TV-MA | 18 January 2017 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Diagonaldi Very well executed
    Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
    Freaktana A Major Disappointment
    Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
    svaldez-4 I had really high hopes for this show. Although it has some great moments. The action sequences are very good. The family drama involving these men is forced and not really conducive to the plot of the show. I really hated an episode that dealt with gun control. I know two guys who were former Seals and they are not pro gun control by a long shot. I then found out it was made by that infamous women abuser and gun control zealot Harvey Weinstein and it totally made sense.
    stacy-743-774257 A military show with depth, inspired by real-life stories. The fact that this show was created by a father and son that have both served I think gives it authenticity. They have a great cast, brotherly love, guys serving our country as only very few people do AND you get to see how their service affects their family. The cast is thoroughly engaged with their audience via social media, which I find refreshing. They care about their characters, each other, and their fans. They have a lot left to offer and I truly hope the show is picked up by another network.
    zakpack I really want to like this show. I love watching highly trained teams accomplish dangerous missions. However, I cringe when they aren't realistic. The "SEAL Team" series does a good job in this regard, but this series falls terribly short. To say that this group resembles or accurately portrays a real SEAL team is an insult to the SEALS and the military overall. This series would be better named "Mercenary six". Even then it would be hard to believe that there would be so much arguing, chest thumping, and complete unprofessional behavior amongst the group during missions. That's the problem with this show. They don't seem to have any understanding of the military. They must be completely disregarding their military advisors in the interest of trying to make it more interesting. Instead, it becomes completely unbelievable and insulting to the real military. Those in the military are taught to respect authority. They don't openly and especially disrespectfully question it. You especially wouldn't expect to find it in our elite special forces teams. When given orders, they follow them. The constant questioning of authority in this show makes them look like a bunch of unprofessional he-man SEAL wannabes. Everyone is also always fighting and arguing amongst themselves and with the CIA. There is a constant display of lack of self control. It's so unbelievably unprofessional. Another thing that occurs in this show, but is also unrealistically prevalent in many other shows is that when a person of superior rank is speaking, someone of lesser rank or position interrupts with some other bit of information. Actors are constantly jumping in with their lines, with no pauses to make the situation believable. An NCO SEAL team member interrupting an officer would be like a worker interrupting the CEO of their large company. It would be rare and considered insubordinate. There was a scene in the "SEAL team " series where the lead actor SEAL team leader interrupted his superior officer. The officer promptly chastised him for interrupting. Now, that's realistic.
    dalan60 Very little joy for the frogmen in Season 2 as it seems to be about problem after problem with the team and stupidity. That's after Season's 1's blind focus on saving Rip and, well, being stupid (getting Buck killed and Bear having a hard time operating trough tears and tunnel vision). Season 2 adds a CIA agent EIC (Egomaniac with an Inferiority Complex). She's led by around by her prisoner "Michael". One minute Mike is being tortured towards insanity then he's having a snack with EIC and making demands. And Agent EIC buys in. Episode 6 is what really brought out the word stupid for Season 2. It appears the Agent EIC and SEALs are being walked into a trap. A trap so obvious I could have drawn them in for the kill. So will the CIA/SEAL side be stupid ones or will the super bad-ass "Prince" be proven an idiot for note killing these morons. Dumb question, because of the name can they have no more than six guys on an "op". Agent EIC better have some tricks up he sleeve or SIX will become minus 7. Their commanders seem to want them dead some that's probably the best outcome. Bad planning, bad decisions, very bad outcome.