TV-MA | 05 March 2017 (USA)

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    Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
    ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
    Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
    Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
    Meme This is one of my all time favorites, I decided after I completed the first season's viewing. This show is a force in itself, the writing is so well done, and the two leading ladies Jessica Lange and Susan Sarandon, the way they hit their emotional range is the reason to watch this show. Moments of vulnerability, the rawness of the situation, the disappointment within ones self and the betrayals all of these emotions are captured in the best possible way. The characters are fleshed out, they are brought to life by the brilliant cast. I would sum it up by saying in the public eye in general as people we put on our strongest faces, our vulnerabilities hidden deep within knowing that a hint of weakness gives room for exploitation, when the veneer is no longer there we see our vulnerable self. I love how a show and the wonderful actresses managed to bring vulnerability to life, vulnerability of being a glamorous successful woman who lives life on her own terms and being human in general.
    paulb47 This is rave review, no two ways about it. In retrospect Lang had the meatier role, as they fleshed out Joan's character in more detail. Susan with Bette, had a more SANE and centered character to portray. Both actresses turned in A-Mazing performances and I won't even attempt to compare them as in one was "better" than the other. With both I quickly lost the sense that I was watching an actress "impersonate" a famous person---they both just became the two women they were playing. Obviously it's easily to do a Broad Characterization of Davis. Drag Queens have been doing that FOR DECADES. Sarandon didn't resorts except once or twice, where it made sense, to that shtick. She nails the Character without it. And Lang is no less phenomenal in the way she inhabits Joan Crawford. These are two extraordinary Actresses at their Peek Powers and I won't compare or try to rate one above the other.The entire cast, male and female and the entire production was simply the BEST that TV has ever Offered. I could write Chapters about every single participated in this series. It was simply Extraordinary. I captured it on my Spectrum DVR and have watched it over and over again. I can't seem to let go of it. I'm NOT done yet. Brava/bravo/brave/bravi to EVERYONE involved.
    Rodrigo Vieira One of the best TV series, ever. It's amazing watching two icons acting out other two myths. A unique experience. Simply marvelous, besides being aesthetically pleasing. Ryan Murphy gets better in every single work he creates. Jessica Lange, although it seems impossible, gets also better and better, every time. Master piece for the television.
    ashley wetherall I don't know how much of Feud is actually true. I'm going with 60% of it happened. But this show is one of the best mini-series of the last 20 years. The show sticks very closely to the known facts about these two fascinating but flaw women and gives its viewer a good insight into how Hollywood was run in the Late 50;s early 60's. The recreation of certain events is brilliantly done. But it was the direction, script and especially cast the really made this show a true classic. Susan Sarandon is Betty Davis, Not a crude caricature but a real person. An actress who wants to be recognised as a star, but feels out shined by lesser talents, namely Joan Crawford! Bette always seems to be saying the right thing in the wrong way but is too proud to admit when she was wrong. Susan's eyes really convey Bette's torment and sometimes childish malice, then regret.But for me it's Jessica Lange's Joan Crawford who gets the acting honours, she gives us a truly sad Joan Crawford. Yes there are the Mommy Dearest traits, but we seem to understand where these came from. Paired off with quiet but strong willed devotion of her house keeper , Mamacita. (an amazing turn by Jackie Hoffman).By the way, I think Mamacita is a composite of a number of persons who devoted themselves to Joan. But again, with a look or a movement of the head Lange can convey so much about Joan's inner torment. A movie star, who desperately wants to be taken seriously by the one woman who she sees as the best actress in Hollywood, Betty Davis! The rest of the cast is also excellent. Alfred Molina gives Robert Aldrich a quiet desperation with Stanley Tucci , Judy Davis , Catherine Zeta Jones and Kathy Bates all giving star turns in small but pivotal roles. If this doesn't win big come awards season there is no justice.