Master of None
Master of None
TV-MA | 06 November 2015 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
    Steineded How sad is this?
    Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
    Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    kflash1111 I don't know how many reviews I've written on iMDb, but pretty sure it's less than five. I love this series so much, I had to pause it to write this review.I love Aziz Ansari's comedy, but wasn't sure I'd like a series with him. I was bored, trolling Netflix for something to watch, read it had won some awards, and went for it. Man, am I glad.It's not laugh-out-loud hilarious, it's 'I can relate' soft chuckle material. It's 'wow- that's so true' funny. It's heartwarming, it's sweet, it addresses real-life issues in today's world. It's mellow, it's calm, it's relaxing, with just enough stressful situations to keep you interested. I love it.
    joluis I watched it caused it won best actor. Can't understand why. They main character is just an OK actor. The others looks a little forced. There's nothing funny about this series. The directing and editing are weak. Several takes don't match. For example, the main character looking at the front and in the next take we see he's talking to people or camera that are lower. It´s just an example. There are so many things that look off.
    Nevin Dalvin An example of a great immigrant drama set amidst present day New York city with comedy as sublime. Started with a slow pace in the first season the comedy drama elevated to its original content and suspense. But with the arrival of second season Aziz Ansari as a character as well as director transformed into Elite TV show. First season mainly deals with the struggle of an immigrant (Indian) in New York city and how he struggles to lead a common life like any of white counterparts. Aspiring to become an actor it makes it twice harder for Dev (Aziz Ansari) as he's a man of his own principles. The series even though circle around the life of Dev, his friend circle is just amazingly put together as they're too outcasts and misfits in their own ways. One could observe the beauty by which the reality around is shown in a subtle and sweet way revolving around each themes in each episodes. The show tries to challenge the morality set by the society which involves a set of rules people have placed forward to the generations after them. As the character development occurs and when the first season reaches its climax is the only time when one realizes that all the while the story was weaved around one character. The second season kicks off with an episode in Italy completely shot in a noir is a legit start to the season yet again it builds up a small tempo and gets intense towards the end. Second season tries to focus more on the stories of other characters as well but at the end they're connected to Dev in one way or the other. Apart from poor acting from couple of actors the acting part is well handled through out the series. Direction has been great so far without much of a drag like the most TV series out there. Series includes great references across the pop culture and often pulls out some classic puns. One good way of knowing the cultural diversity in and around New York city with some great comedy, drama and acting.
    Elissa V This is definitely a show for millennials. My parents would not get nearly the value out of it that I do. His observations and portrayals of contemporary social situations are so on point. I agree with another reviewer that says he does not give you a resolution, but rather a perspective. I love Aziz Ansari, and a lot of this show follows his train of thought from his book, Modern Romance. Sometimes I sincerely feel like he knows something that the rest of us do not. His point of view is so realistic and relevant. So much of the show examined things I was experiencing in my own life, I found it so easy to relate. I cannot say enough good things about this show. It is just so great. The coming of age, the dating in your late 20s/30s, the use of dating apps, trying to live up to your parents expectations, maintaining friends/relationships, ending relationships, religion, and careers. A minor complaint is that the second season wasn't quite as good as the first, although many of the episodes still made me laugh and cry and got me right in the feels, some of it is a little pretentious. Additionally, he has his own parents play his parents in the show and his dad seems to have adapted really well to the camera but his moms acting is terrible. Somehow is makes her more endearing.... but speaking purely on her acting skills, she is bad.
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