TV-14 | 26 February 2014 (USA)

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    UnowPriceless hyped garbage
    FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
    Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
    Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
    sanjin_9632 This show is funny. Period. It has funny characters. Almost every character has his or her moments throughout a delightful format of 13 episodes. I'm not going out on a limb here, when I say that this was never getting a season two and it's better that way.You can't help but sympathize with almost every character. I found myself rooting for all of them. The gullible ones (the hopeless romantics, if you will) and the not so gullible ones. If you're watching the show in order to learn how to pick up women, you're looking in the wrong place, even though there are some interesting aspects mentioned. First and foremost this show is about making one laugh.
    lthomsondesa After reading a lot of the other reviews I've decided to preface mine with this: If you are incapable of appreciating some satire satire, don't bother watching. If you expect every TV show to be a perfect representation of real life, or close to the other end of the spectrum: you expect all TV shows to not contain any representation/depiction of scummy/misogyny that occurs in real life in any way other than damning it then again, don't bother watching. However, this is nowhere near Blue Mountain State misogyny. Mixology takes a different approach to the traditional sitcom format. The entire one season series is contained within one night at a seemingly popular bar in NYC. While the characters are somewhat exaggerated representations of the average individual, I don't think people really watch TV shows because they're average. Nobody lives the life of Ted Mosby from HIMYM, or Joey in Friends, so yeah its a little cheesy and exaggerated but I would attribute that primarily to the fact that they had to fit a great deal of character development. I think this choice of format was a fun approach, rather than make season after season with at least the occasional filler episode, the creators of this show sought to portray what I would call the dating condition as opposed to the human condition. The characters are funny exaggerations of people we (or at least I) know. The show follows these individuals through one night at the bar. Each episode brings you into a different level of depth in the characters, and yeah most all of the characters have some less than desirable trait(s), some of which may be found as offensive. This is where I say you can argue that the show is actually a little more realistic than most sitcoms; most of these characters aren't super likable a lot of the time, but guess what? There are a lot of not super likable people. Not every sitcom has to have all highly likable characters. Overall points to note: Will you be dying of laughter the whole show? Perhaps, it would depend on your sense of humor and I suppose potentially having an interest in psychology or sociology would help too. I don't however feel that the only goal was to entertain in just a comedic fashion. It's an entertaining take on what could be considered years of bar experiences compressed pretty smoothly into one seasons worth of television. For what it is I truly enjoyed it. The show doesn't follow same old same old sitcom formatting or goals, I think if your open minded about that fact then you'll enjoy this show as well.
    Ivan Yanev I have watched many serials but this is one of the greatest ! So much laugh, the actors are perfect and the characters they're playing are so different and interesting ! This is maybe the most addictive serial!One word : Perfect !I really hope there will be a second and more seasons ! I am surprised about the low rate of 6.7/10...how is this even possible ?Have you guys really watched it ? Less than 9 is a crime.....
    Kiran G Though this seems like a shallow comedy at first viewing, eventually you will realize that this has more heart and better writing than HIMYM. HIMYM always depended on shallow emotions, goofy situations etc, but mixology is driven solely by intelligent,witty interaction between the protagonists. Even though the male trio does have something similar to the "bro code", it never becomes bizarre and irritating. The scenes are short and sweet and each episode is just short enough to convince you that all this is happening in one night. So its well edited. The series is well casted and so far everyone has done justice to their roles.