Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps
Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps
| 26 February 2001 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Alicia I love this movie so much
    Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
    Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
    BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
    rogue-98058 2 pints is a British comedy series about a group of young friends and the trials and highs of their lives. Imagine 'Friends' if they were all teenagers, sex obsessed and drunk most of the time lol. Yu have a couple of stereo types such as Louise who thinks she is the most important thing on the planet and does not realise how she annoys people, Gaz the 'hunk' who thinks he is gods gift to woman but my favourite is Donna who is such a mix from loving to thinking she would rips your wedding tackle off. The comedy is crude and so is the language but you will see people that you know in the characters. The acting and writing are amazing and if you want to know about the 'pasty bikini' or why you should not trust sheep you HAVE to watch this show.
    Brad Tyler i am not going to waste much time on this, i only came here to see what score it has over all, after the brilliant, clever and VERY FUNNY show "Pulling" got dropped from having a 3rd series, when utter drivel like 2 pints goes ON and ON and ON! the BBC have lost the plot completely, Pulling has won awards for its brilliance, yet they cancel it during it's prime, and not 1 single second of 2 pints is capable of raising even a mild smirk from me or anyone i know. the "humour" (if you can call it that), is childish, badly written and like it belongs on cbeebies. the acting is stale and contrived as is the dreadful studio audience laughter. i simply cannot believe how bad it really is! BBC, sort you act out before you descend to the bottom of the pile, even under channel 5. URGH! two pints?!?! trash, i'd rather a gin and tonic any day!
    pupsmaschine Honestly, how can this get an average rating of 7.+? The jokes are tripe. I have written better material and I have bovine spongiform encephalopathy. The banter you hear in pubs is 10 times funnier than this pap. Every episode is the same. Same plot over and over again. "Gaz, will you have sex with me?" , "yeah, but not up the pooper" (Massive laugh from audience)......that's it, honestly, that's it. Poor....... This show gets shown on BBCThree, day in day out. It feels as though it's on 24 hrs a day. You only have to see one show to know how the rest of the series pans out. "gaz, blah, blah, blah." (insert some terrible double entendre reply). Do yourself a favour and actually go to the pub for a couple of pints and a packet of crisps.
    joeymate I have to agree with Lisa that two pints is the best and if you don't find it funny you either don't have a good sense of humour or you haven't watched it properly and just turned over in one minute of viewing it. I love this programme so much :) I think all the characters are fantastic! And if you saw the writer 'Susan Nickson' you wouldn't believe how much filth could come out of her mind. I cant write another four lines. Ermm my favourite series is probably 3. Because it has the best episode ever in it which is the musical episode 'When Janet met Johnny'. But i think the worst series is probably five because its way to scattered about and looks like it had been done in a rush. Joeyy
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