Veronica's Closet
Veronica's Closet
TV-PG | 25 September 1997 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Diagonaldi Very well executed
    Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
    Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
    Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
    Derrado18 I have watched nearly all of the episodes from all 3 seasons (thank you re-runs on cable) and I have thoroughly enjoyed Veronica's Closet. I bet most of the people who deem it "crappy" are people who have never watched it, and are affixiated on reality television. But I guess everybody's entitled to an opinion. Anyway, Kirstie Alley, Kathy Najimy and the rest of the cast shine. At first I hated Season 2: the original opening sequence was dropped, and Ron Silver was added, but now that I watch it, it was just as quality as Season 1 and 3 (maybe just a bit less so) Many people just seem so hellbent on picking faults of this show - so what if Kirstie Alley was a little chubby?! Must every actress be pencil-thin, eg Callista Flockhart? So what if her hair changed? Why must you think you can blame this show for being crap just because Alley had blonde streaks? Veronica's Closet is an entertaining, funny show. It may not be a classic like Frasier or Seinfeld, but it deserves better than some of these insulting remarks. And it deserves better than being cancelled by NBC.
    rezzon8 OK, I don't know what all you people are talking about. The 3rd season of this sitcom SUCKED.The first season, on the other hand, was brilliant - it was laugh-out-loud funny (a whole lot better than the boring, repetitive "Friends"), and it satirised the fashion industry and all its air-head models so...beautifully.I never missed an episode. I would watch each one about 3 times until the following week's episode. But once Hunter came in and took over the company, I felt physically sick. "NO!" I thought. After that, the sitcom got worse and worse, what with the boring Alec Bilson (Ron Silver) and the excruciatingly unfunny 3rd season featuring the great June (one of the redeeming but under-used features of that season). I have not seen those "final-and-previously-unaired" episodes, as I lost interest in the show.But I wish NBC would just take the show from the first season, before Hunter took over the company, and carry it on from there. Correct the mistakes; forget everything that happened afterwards, don't introduce anybody new (ALWAYS a mistake, in my opinion), keep the great characters of Veronica's dad Pat and ex-husband Bryce, and let "Veronica's Closet" save itself from itself.
    David, Film Freak Another NBC hit sitcom, but, unlike some people said, I thought this comedy was very funny, and I watched nearly every episode.Originally, the story was that Veronica "Ronnie" Chase (played by Kirstie Alley) runs a successful lingerie company. He best friend Olive (Sister Act's Kathy Najimy) is her secretary, with Josh (Wallace Langham), Leo (Daryl Mitchell) and Perry (Dan Cortese) rounding out the rest of the cast. Pat Prosky also starred in the first season as Ronnie's dad.The second season saw Ronnie co-own her company with Alex, who falls in love with Ronnie, but "tragically" dies at the end of the 2nd season after a volcanic accident.The third season was the final one, after Veronica's Closet got the chop. Sporting a new theme song, and a new hair colour for Kirstie Alley, the third season introduced us to Ronnie's new co-owner, June (Lorri Bagley) who inherited Alex's half of the company after a romantic weekend away.We also found out that Josh was gay, and later, Olive makes millions of dollars over an Internet company, and buys out June's half of Veronica's Closet.Since VC ended halfway through 2000, Alley has been very quiet. Daryl Mitchell and Dan Cortese have both played teachers (Daryl on 10 Things I Hate About You, and Dan or 'That's Life'), while Kathy hasn't been heard of either.It wasn't as good as NBC's other hit, 'Friends', but a lot better than Brooke Shield's 'Suddenly Susan', which sitcom seemed to mirror Kirstie's (or maybe the other way around), but in the three short years it was on air, there were plenty of laughs.
    Matt M. Simply horrible. Every single person at NBC should be beaten with their own ignorance to allow shows like this and "Suddenly Crappy" to continue, while quality shows like "Newsradio" are canceled.No wonder there is almost no sitcoms on the air anymore. Get a beer, and veg out while the industry pumps you full of "reality based programming".Why, God, why????
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