The Days and Nights of Molly Dodd
The Days and Nights of Molly Dodd
| 21 May 1987 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Blaironit Excellent film with a gripping story!
    WiseRatFlames An unexpected masterpiece
    Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
    Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
    vizfam Nothing crude about this show, nice stories and nice characters. Blair Brown was the most beautiful woman on TV at that time. This was a simpler time for sitcoms. I suspect that the generation today would find them provincial and quaint. Not enough sexual content for the young taste buds. I have some of these shows on VHS and occasionally I will put them on and get lost in Molly's smile. I just wish that this series would become available on DVD. I understand that the show is being aired on one of the cable stations "Goodtime" or something like that, anyway I don't get it, so hopefully it will be broadcast again on Lifetime.
    richard.fuller1 I guess the most peculiar thing about this show is that there was indeed a real Molly Dodd (1921-1981) who made numerous television appearances all throughout the sixties and seventies, I guess she is most notable today on reruns of the Brady Bunch.She made two appearances, one as a store clerk, but her other appearance is as the bigoted neighbor Mrs. Payne in the episode "Kelly's Kids" with Ken Berry, Brooke Bundy, Billy Allton and Todd Lookinland, the real life younger brother of Mike Lookinland (Bobby Brady); this was the episode with the 3 Musketeers boys, each of a different race. Molly Dodd also appears in the movie Harper Valley PTA with Barbara Eden and Fannie Flagg. She was the snooty gambler who had the horse manure dumped on her at the end. Now what part this woman's name could have in this Blair Brown TV show, I wouldn't know. She certainly didn't look like Blair Brown.But Molly Dodd isn't an incredibly common name.Or is it?
    joneslcg Among Mollys' many suiters was a handsome Black man, who turned out to be the father of her baby. Their whole relationship and resulting pregnancy was done with such sensitivity and class and humor, not by focusing on their differences, but by simply examining how anyone deals with the perils of dating and the difficulties of single parenthood. This show, eventhough short-lived, was simply one of the best in terms of the writing and acting. For a series featuring a female character, I think "Molly Dodd" is right up there among the classics.
    hillari The show started on NBC, which foolishly cancelled it, then the Lifetime cable network picked it up. Molly Dodd was similar to Ally McBeal, but she was not as neurotic. She was just a single woman trying to make it out in the world, and helped (and sometimes hindered) by the quirky characters surrounding her. My favorite was her doorman, who apparently had lived quite a life before he took the job in her building. My other favorite character was her crazy boss at the publishing company she worked at right before the series ended for good. There have been very few good shows with good women characters, and this is one of the best.
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