The Tomorrow People
The Tomorrow People
TV-14 | 09 October 2013 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
    Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
    Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
    Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
    betelguese-07592 on a second thought i dig up some internal information about the rate system...maybe it s OK because some barbaric people rated the series in whole...i think this is not the right way to vote...this is how trump got elected...i don't what else to write but i have a little tune in my goes like this:dabadu dudu bada dadada dabadubu
    rain657 Yet another excellent, fun show cancelled before it even got going. Sick of the big networks doing this especially given some of the rubbish they keep running. This could have been a great series. Just as you start getting into a programme and they leave you with a cliff hanger they pull it for a 2nd season, it seems to be every show I enjoy! This show had every element as far as I was concerned, syfy mystery action thriller. Easy watchable binge worthy viewing.
    mrcheminee So, I was bored and started watching this snooze fest, then someone said it really was going to get better and then I was curious if it managed to stay this bad till the end. I watched the whole thing and it was never any good. It was forced, predictable and very fake. But I can't blame the actors for this, they did good, in some cases even great, making something of the unbelievable dumb dialogues they got, yes sometimes you can see how bored they are, but if there is anything good about this thing, it's the acting. The music is nothing special, the special effects are sufficient, the camera work is decent, but the writing... I checked the spoiler box, so I could list some of the 'plot twists' you know are coming, just so you know you got it right. The father is not really dead, the uncle is just a troubled guy with good intentions, the mother has powers too, the lead lady and the lead guy hook up, the best friend finds out and becomes a target, but survives, the bad guys' daughter dies, etc etc etc. Almost every plot reveals itself as it begins. Accept for the epilogue which had some surprises, mostly because IT DIDN'T MAKE ANY SENSE. And the premise? It's dumb. Just dumb. Evolved humans that can fight, throw people around with their powers, use guns, but can not kill, how does that even work? There is so much wrong with the story. Some of the fight scenes are decent, but only some of them.
    Shopaholic35 I am so disappointed that The Tomorrow People has been cancelled. Another decent CW teen show bites the dust. I'm not sure what their definition of a successful show is but if they keep intending to cancel all their young adult shows after only one season then why do they keep making them!Look honestly this show was not perfect but there was room to develop and grow. It is entertaining and intriguing enough to pull you back in week after week. My one hope is that they finish the show properly and don't leave it on a cliffhanger. Another thing the CW network is known for. I'm sick of getting invested only to have a major loose thread remain.The Tomorrow People is definitely worth watching but resist the urge to get involved, you will only be disappointed when it ends.
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