TV-14 | 10 March 2014 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
    ManiakJiggy This is How Movies Should Be Made
    Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
    Allissa .Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
    Matthew Luke Brady The Oscar wining Alfonso Cuarón directed the first episode and J.J. Abrams is the Producer of the show, and the show itself... turns out bland. Let's start off with the good thing in the show like: The acting was really from the girl and the other cast. some of the characters are interesting and the show has a solid story. Now for the bad: Some of the characters are bland and forgettable, and the show sometimes drags with it's predicable episodes. overall this show many have some good things in it, but they are so many problems with the show that actually ruined it for me. Overall This show may have it's good, but it has it's bad and it's dull moments.
    rajatdahiyax Bo is a young girl who was born with special supernatural abilities that she cannot control and, as they start evolving, the people who are protecting her must turn to an outsider. This leads them to William Tate, a wrongfully convicted death-row inmate, whom they break out of prison. Although he is reluctant to take on the role as her protector, the two eventually form a bond that will guide them to helping each other, as well as others, while staying one step ahead of the evil forces that want the girl.I would not suggest anyone to watch this show,even if i do,one would not watch it 2 episodes further.
    parkmankay I just saw where the episode that airs on June 15 is supposed to be the series finale. I really hate that shows that are really great always seem to be the ones that are not renewed. I would love it if they could figure out a way to continue this show. Networks need to start keeping shows of this quality on and quit having so many of those ridiculous reality shows on. If people want reality they need to watch the news or educational channels. Network TV channels are supposed to be entertaining, some of the reality shows that are on are not entertaining they are just bad TV I hope that other fans of Believe voice their opinion about the show not returning for another season.
    unitythroughterror This is the kind of show I wouldn't be surprised to see earns a small cult following after its DVD release, despite tanking horrifically on the air. If you're a macho man who is not in touch with his sensitive, TLC side don't bother. If you are an intelligent viewer who is willing to lower a few expectations and suspend your disbelief - this is a show for you. One of the things I loved about Believe is it has the same, melancholically cozy vibe as other "magic child" productions - The Lovely Bones, Steven Spielberg Presents Taken, The Possession, Chronicle, etc. etc. I really am a big fan of that vibe mixed with the vibe of a thriller, or a horror. It makes for an interesting experience because such an approach is very character-driven and makes you get attached to the character go through the various ordeals scripted by the writers. Now onto the Pros:-Solid cinematography, gives the film a CSI: Miami feel which is an interesting approach because of the fantastical source material. The shots are not glamorous or overly stylish. The ordinariness of New York City and the photography is part of the interesting grounded aspect of this show.-Solid acting. Nothing Oscar worthy here, but genuinely beautiful and emotional performances. Jake McLaughlin does a solid job as Tate, Johnny Sequoyah completely embodies Bo, and Jamie Chung and Delroy Lindo add sparkle. Kyle MacLaughlin makes a hatable villain, and whoever plays the newest addition to MacLaughlin's team does a good job of being Bo's dark negative. -The music is extremely fitting given the atmosphere, visuals, and acting. Not amazingly gorgeous, but nonetheless very fitting and therefore effective.The cons:-Thus far (four more episodes to go) you won't find anything that hardcore in here. The violence is quick, bloodless, and very tame. In some ways I think this vitally damages the tension. We don't need to go Texas Chainsaw but a bit of blood here and there I think would strengthen the tension and show Kyle's evil side even more, and the necessity to not let Bo get swirled back into the shady facility she came from.-The government conspiracy problem. This is a bit hokey, understandable, but hokey. It almost feels like they ripped off The Syndicate from The X-Files, replace aliens with psychics.-The show can become so sickeningly sweet that at some points you almost have to laugh. It gets a little hammy here and there. What I do like however is that it isn't a bombastic show about famine, murder, rape, and horrors around the world. Bo can't get to that yet. So she helps this people in all these small, but fundamental ways. However some of these people who are "helped" are cardboard cut out clichés.Overall: A very good show. I'm sad to see it go, as I think things were just starting to kick off in Season 1. The show may never realize its full potential, but thus far if you have a soul you'll be hooked instantaneously.