Go On
Go On
TV-PG | 08 August 2012 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
    Executscan Expected more
    Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
    Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
    Zoniq Forfun This is a great comedy with amazing writing, but it lacks something. It needs some very strong (male in particular) character to stand next to Ryan and return his sarcastic comments. Even tho they are hilarious like in Friends, the difference is that there is not a solid supporter to put him on his place. This place for now has taken Anne, but i don't think she is that strong to hold it, making it less funny that it would really be.My suggestion is: Bring an asshole in the therapy group that is a really great actor, and let the magic begins. :D I hope this show goes on for years.
    hussainalkasake When I first found out about Go On, I thought it'll be like Mr Sunshine. Remember that show? Exactly. But this is what we've been waiting for from Matthew Perry. Matt plays Ryan King, a popular sportscaster who lost his wife and has to attend mandatory group therapy sessions. That's what's awesome about the show, the group. The group is hilarious, with well constructed, weird, crazy personalities. The group is really good, just as funny as Matt. The writing is incredibly awesome, with Matthew Perry's classic sarcasm that's still funny. The show probably won't run for a long time, due to the story. Not saying it's bad(it's great) but it can't go on for more than 1 or 2 seasons. It's incredibly good, especially if you were a Friends fan. This is a hilarious, feel-good show that'll bring a smile to you're face. Definitely Best New Comedy On TV. Go Watch It Now!!!
    Gummybear2012 I watched the pilot yesterday. I got so addicted, I have already finished all the episodes that have been released online. It is not the bursting out laughing type of comedy like Seinfeld or Friends, but Go On is certainly a feel good-worthy time waster. Matthew Perry is almost the same character as Chandler from Friends but his persona manages to carry the show off really well. It is hilarious in it's own way with the awkward and sarcastic jokes as well as the thought provoking lovable character personalities. If you have nothing to do and want to just smile on the inside, watch Go On!
    bautonomusgolu I have no words to explain this show. This show has been under my radar since its promo came to youtube. I have always loved the work of Matthew perry, but in this show he has brought back his quirkiness, his charisma and an awesome timing for his comedy. the premise of the show is a widower who is a star radio broadcaster for sports and reluctant to be helped after his wife died. He has been advised for some group therapy session and bang... here comes the gang of weirdos. You have not seen such ensemble character in a long time on TV. Everyone has issues and everyone has a different way to cope up with it. the Additional cast has some great lines aw well. Out of them some stand out to a comedy firecracker esp. Mr. K., the cat lady, and Spanish lady. john cho is playing perry's boss and his best friend. In a nutshell, what we have here is bunch of exciting weirdos who guide and help each other in one or other way.