Pan Am
Pan Am
TV-PG | 25 September 2011 (USA)

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    Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
    Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
    Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
    Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
    swissdivine The series is full of glamour and trumps with a very good cinematography and good special effects. It shows an ideal world of 1960's air travel that is almost to shiny and too clean. The special effects and the recreation of the cabin are done well. One of the most obvious flaws is that anyone who has ever flown on a 707 or similar plane would know that the sound of the jet engines was much louder inside the cabin and of course there would have been more turbulence or movements of the plane in real life. Still, the service, particularly in economy call, is portrayed accurately and puts to shame the service offered today. The same goes for the personal space afforded to people in economy class. However, despite some inaccuracies it is very well done and it has to be acknowledged that it is a marvellous attempt to recreate the atmosphere of luxury jet set travel and the feeling and politics of the Cold War.
    samtrak1204 The stewardesses look just the way I remember them when I was flying 1/2 fare student standby on Eastern and Delta in the 60's (when coach passengers were served full course meals...and drinks cost a dollar!) My fake college ID kept me fly high in the friendly sky.Female flight attendants were all young and pretty because the airlines enforced severe restrictions on age, race, weight, figure, height, and marital status (singles only!). No, June Cleaver could not be a waitress in the sky in the good old days. Airlines were selling service and sex appeal!At that time flight crews were 99% white before discrimination laws ended the airborne fantasy.Male pilots were rarely as young as this TV cockpit crew because most were probably retired military hired by airlines after flying planes in World War II and Korean Conflict.The opening scene has just flown me back 50 years (my God am I that old?) and I am already hooked. I never flew Pan Am but I am sorry the TV show never got off the ground.
    princeofart Pan Am is an amazing airline, i wood be fantastic if Al airlines are like that. High service nice outfits. I love it! hopefully i will be soon a stewardess at an nice airline! Please make a season 2. I will be waiting for it! there is so much to see in the world so let me see it true the eyes of Pan Am! i would be great full!What more to say! its amazing how the created a live style, a new kind of stewardesses, I really love it, i cant say any thing more because i am a little overwhelm i think! Makers of the Pam am I thank you! and keep going the great work, you already started! Greeting of a Fan from Holland!Give me Wing, and fly with Pan Am.
    keziahspafa This show is unique from other shows. His has a mix of history and how it is like to live as a stewardess. I like this show because of how they mention historical facts, which makes me feel like I'm there with them, rather than reading it from a history book. Also, I like how it shows how back in the day the bias people had if you want to become a stewardess. And the strict rules they had to go through. The show does not glamorize the life of being stewardess or pilots, rather it makes us see difficulties they would have experienced. I also like how the characters all come from different places, and had different up bringing. It adds to the show, and shapes their characters. In each episode you never know, how its going to end. I can't wait to see more episodes from the show.
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