Wicked City
Wicked City
TV-14 | 27 October 2015 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
    Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
    Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
    Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
    jonmccann Quite why this has been cancelled, I have no idea!The premise is simple, a serial killer on the loose and a two focused plot on both the killer and cop chasing him/her! Sounds simple, but made better. Why? Because it doesn't try and complicate the story with interwoven plots (yes, true detective I mean you!), because it is set in an era when serial killers started to gain notoriety, because it doesn't shy from the gruesome aspects of a serial killer and more importantly, that sets it aside from true detective, it gets into the mind frame of the sociopath quality (yes I wrote quality, as its the one thing that sets us all apart, be that bad or good!) of manipulation and total confidence in the act by the said sociopath.The casting is great, not newbies, but not stellar casting, this makes it convincing from an actor point of view as there is no cheesiness and its believable, the story is really well written, simply because it focuses on the main subject and rarely deviates from the chase, and the setting of the 70's for me at least, means the genre is right at the heart of the time when serial killers started to attain focus on what they did. In all this is a cleverly scripted TV show and could easily have gone on to spurn multiple series, but for some reason it was cancelled, some cite the brutality of it (it's not that gory), but I expect it's because it's so similar to True Detective, but was made on a lesser budget with less well known actors, that was it's downfall. None the less, this is a well made TV show and deserves a second chance, but only if it is in keeping with what it set out to do...Tell a good story, with no over dramatisation, and using the simple basic methods of script writing...Keep it simple, make the plot believable, and keep the viewer hooked! I am hooked!
    cottonswabs When I first saw the promos for this I knew I would watch it mainly for Ed Westwick. I missed him after Gossip Girl. Boy doesn't he look good! What a gorgeous man! His character is just dripping sexy! By the way why isn't Ed's name listed as top billing? I understand Jeremy has been around longer and I'm happy to have him back as well after the US version of The Returned was taken off the air after only one season, what a bummer. At least he should be after Jeremy in billing because the show is centered around these two characters the most. I will be watching this show as long as the network continues to show it. For those TV and movie fanatics out there, don't let the music not being perfect to your standards bother you so much. Try to just enjoy the show and all the wonderful actors portraying their characters.
    kyoto15613 I started watching Wicked City the day after it premiered. It is an interesting concept. I studied serial killers, deviant behavior, psychology in college and I've always been fascinated. The problem is when a show just becomes like every other crime drama on TV. You need something to set yourself apart and unfortunately, this one tries to hard with the sex and violence.The other problem I had was with the homicide detectives at the scene. For a seasoned detective whose repertoire including the notorious Hillside Strangler, he doesn't know a thing about crime scene protocol. I know it was set in the 80's and there were some continuity errors with the exact date, but starting in the 70's detectives carried gloves to use at crime scenes.I'll keep watching to see where it goes from here though. I do love a good crime drama.
    stpetedawg Everything was wrong. I believe a high schooler could have written a better script. Clothing, hair and scenery were completely off for the time frame (thank heavens they used pagers- but I kept waiting for a cell to pop up.). It felt like it had been thrown together with no concern for details. Would elaborate but not even worth the effort. Why are decent shows eliminated all so they can add more reality shows and drivel like this? Considering how terrible the script is the acting is not terrible, just not good. I imagine the scene with the spider was to give us a clue into the mind of Betty. Lame. Just. So. Lame. It doesn't matter if future episodes are better. I am no longer watching.