| 11 September 2017 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
    Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
    AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
    Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
    m-arsic0708 as i said in the summary - don't bother. there are so many other series that actually make sense. even Hollywood ones. i love British crime series because they look real to me. this one is ridiculous. after deciding elaine was the killer while watching episode 3 i just wanted to see if i was right. gave up at episode 5 and just checked on net whether i got it right. crime series are my favourite and i can't remember seeing one where the victim is actually the head of investigation. i understand the backwards timeline because the thing is so damn lame it needed a different approach to make it fly. otherwise - pure, sincere, boring garbage. gave it a 2 due to dormer's makeup, otherwise it would have been a straight 1.
    bendipa1 The first ep is confusing, as you need to get used to the backward storytelling, as well as the introduction of a lot of new characters. But this turned out to be a totally brilliant series. Some have dissed this series after only 1 ep (I ask you) which is just plain nuts. A few of the reviews just appear to be either seriously dumb, lazy or both. You have to make the effort with this and focus, but it's worth it as the pay-off is dramatic as well as tragic.The acting of the 2 leads, Richard Dormer and Jodi Balfour is amazing as well as the chemistry between their 2 characters, DCI Gabriel Markham and DI Elaine Shepherd. They are investigating a brutal serial killer who likes to dowse his victims in acid. With each backward jump in time, you'd think there would be less known in the investigation, but actually as viewers we see and learn more. By the end of the 5th episode it's clear who the killer is, then in the finale we jump forward to where the 1st ep left off and move forward as normal, and what a finale! For me this was the best UK TV drama of the year. Nothing else even comes close.
    tonywalk This excellent crime drama employs a unique method of telling the tale. Most of it is in a pseudo-backwards format, where the time-line is wound backwards to a point and then played for a while before heading backwards some more. This way you get to see consequences of actions before the actions take place.It makes for a fascinating watch, and one you have to concentrate on quite hard. I can understand why some people are marking this down because of this.Stick with it though, and you are rewarded handsomely. I shall refrain from elaborating more as I detest spoilers of even the smallest kind.
    higgsparticule I am really only watching it now because it is different and at times confusing, as it randomly goes back and forth.It seems it was written by someone on drugs who decided on the ending first and then began filling in the blanks, and then forgetting he missed something out as he goes back to put it in, while all the time filming. The acting is good but the script is all over the place.So to sum up, confusingly different.