Las Vegas
Las Vegas
TV-14 | 22 September 2003 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Alicia I love this movie so much
    Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
    Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
    Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
    r-hargraves I liked this show's episodic nature. Self contained stories that can be dipped into from time to time with a 'soap opera' style set of story arcs that are simple to catch up on. On the negative, a dated attitude to women that is now somewhat jarring. Overall, its a pity the writer's strike did for it.
    lasvegastvshow A lot of people want it back thats why we want to fight to get it back But we really have to work at it... If they see all of the support for the show They will definitely bring it back or sell to another network... Its worth a try fans!! As much as we love the show we can actually have a comeback... I believe we can and I hope u all do to!!! The writer has assured that he would love to bring it back now its up to us the fans to help with the process Even if not a show at least a movie to clear everything up right? & Get all of your friends and friends friends to join the movement PLEASE!!!
    edwithmj This show started out as quite an enjoyable show for the first few episodes and then I saw a pattern develop among the story lines.James Caan woodenly acted the same character over and over again. He shows no emotion and acts the same whether he be angry, happy or sad. In fact I never knew when he was angry, happy or sad because there was no change in his facial expression. His favourite saying is "whadaya gut." I believe it translates into the question "what have you?" or "what do you have?" although it barely sounds like English. He says it at least twice an episode.For the entire first season I didn't know exactly who the four women were, what they did or what their names were. It took me till the second season to learn what Nikki Cox's character's job was and to be honest I'm still not entirely sure. James Lesure's character chops and changes throughout the show: he's an engineering graduate who works as a valet and then moves into security. After that we never see any more of the valets. It was incredible (in a bad way) just how much of a renaissance man his character actually was.I lost count of the number of times the casino was bought and sold and by whom. Sometimes the owners were never seen and other times the owners took a direct role in running the place. I remember one episode where one of the players who turns out to be a cheat said to Vanessa Marcil's character "I don't know what a casino host is." After watching the first season I still didn't know what one was or what her actual job was for that matter.The people who play at the casino generally fell in either one of two categories: nasty cheats who are always portrayed as vile, evil etc; or lovable idiots who end up losing all their money and at whom the main characters laugh.Celebrity guest stars were used far too often in this show obviously in an attempt to gain cheap ratings. It was laughable the excuses they gave for their being in the casino.The show never made me care for the characters and I found myself wanting James Caan and his lanky sidekick Josh whatever-his-name-is to lose every time they were in a fight or getting shot at. Apparently, anyone who actually wins in a casino, unless he or she (usually he) be a lovable idiot, is always cheating no matter how complicated it is. One quote from "Danny" made me laugh. In the third season episode "Mothwoman," Danny says to a man who has been using an autistic man to count cards "the only one thing I hate more than liars is people who take advantage of the less fortunate." Excuse me, "Danny" but don't casinos do just that? People gamble their money away because they're "less fortunate" and want to be rich or want money to pay bills and end up worse off. Hypocrite. "Danny" also makes fun of an old woman who uses a Zimmer frame in the fourth season episode "Wines And Misdemeanors." He bets Mike that she won't make it to some performance in 35 minutes because she walks so slowly. What a nasty piece of work he is.Every female character in this show is Hollywood-beautiful which means they all look like plastic surgery addicted skinny models who mostly have big breasts. Here's a little game to play while watching an episode of this tripe: count the number of times the women say "hot" when referring to a man in the casino (except Marsha Thomason's character because she has an English accent). On average it's about three times per episode and as they say it in an American accent it sounds like "he's hut." It's cringe worthy. Molly Sims' character was supposed to have a "genius IQ" yet I saw no evidence of this as she was just another sex-obsessed maniac who lusted after every "hut guy." On the subject of Marsha Thomason's character: did anyone else wonder why her hair style seemed to change on an almost daily basis?I was surprised that the surveillance team never had any lawsuits filed against them. They punched and kicked people and broke various bones and were never charged with assault. They should have been.I would have liked to have seen fewer celebrity appearances; more dark episodes where there isn't a happy ending as opposed to 99% of the episodes that had a happy ending wherein everyone is safe and happy; and I would have liked to have seen more gambling as there was surprisingly little gambling for a show about a casino.
    stormlord-2 When Las Vegas came out one review described this show as, quote "A harmless bit of fluff". Needless to say that after seeing a dozen or so episodes I think this description is right on the money. An assortment of pretty boys and strutting model types play out an assortment of paper thin stories while all the time trying to pretend they are serious business people. One dimensional characters, in a one dimensional setting, pursuing one dimensional stories. That pretty much sums up Vegas. I still watch from time to time to see if the show is trying to evolve and take itself a little serious but alas to no avail. So far.