Viva Laughlin
Viva Laughlin
| 18 October 2007 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
    Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
    VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
    BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
    bgm2005 Lambast the singing all you want, but that's exactly what makes this show something different to watch. I applaud the execs who had the guts to try something off the mainstream. Everyone knows Las Vegas is hot, and NBC already has that cornered.. so why try to compete with the same format? All of you who complain about the singing are missing the point, totally. I expect that every person (men usually) who say they can't stomach musicals have deep down inside, in that dark closet, a soft spot for song in a movie. Or a TV show in this case.Yeah, it didn't work in Cop Rock, because WE ALL know what cops are supposed to be like. And singing cops is just plain weird.But the characters in Viva are meant to be cartoonish- almost larger than life... I mean, how many Nevada casino owners do you know? And who says what they're supposed to be like? Most casino owner stereotypes are built of fiction. So why is it so far fetched that they break out into a number once in a while? It's a refreshing change of pace in a TV show, and for that reason alone, I say it deserves a FAIR shake!
    lreiselt Viva Laughlin is perhaps the most strange new show to come along in quite some time. Lloyd Owen, who was excellent in Monarch of the Glenn is terrible in this role. He does perhaps the worst job ever for an English actor attempting to do an American accent. Close on his heels is executive producer/ actor Hugh Jackman. Both come off sounding totally flat and could do to take some voice lessons. While they're at the lessons, perhaps some singing lessons would also be in order. The show has an annoying habit of the actors spontaneously launching into song at totally irrelevant times. Thus far all the singing has been terrible with the only bright spot being Elvis singing back-up. Think of the t.v. show Las Vegas on a really bad hair day combined with Grease and High School Musical. It's not a pleasant combination.The overall plot is generally interesting and there are some big name actors involved but the package as a whole probably appeals to far few people to be viable.
    james k Attention, there will be no talent! This is what should be played before the show starts. I haven't seen "Blackpool" but if it's anything like Viva Laughlin then i don't really care. Not only was this show hard to watch but it was incredibly presumptuous. With annoying, unrelatable stock characters trying to slip smoothly into likable characters was like watching the proverbial grass growing. And just when you think that maybe halfway through the show they might have a twist to interest you in seeing the next episode.. well there isn't! No one wants another compulsively suspicious detective chasing thin air or a family who is so boring and cliché that you'd rather go to sleep because that'd be more entertaining than watching this show! And what on earth is with the singing(miming)? And who wants yet another casino show? HUH? SERIOUSLY??!! ARGH!! Can I be the first but hopefully not the last to say, "What the hell Hugh Jackman!" I mean talk about cringe-worthy experiences! I am all for a new series, i'm very open to new ideas and even old ideas made better but this "Viva Laughlin" is garbage, maybe worse because some garbage can be recycled into something better.
    joanna-71 It would be almost decent if the actors would stop bursting into cheesy (and I'm talking extra cheese with a side of cheddar) musical/dance numbers every five minutes. I'm not kidding.I can understand how Melanie Griffith (playing a character named "Bunny" - yeah, a real stretch!) and Wings Hauser (the kiss of death to any show) would be desperate enough to sign up for this train wreck, but Hugh Jackman? At least he has talent.I'm all for trying out new concepts for TV shows, especially because the industry is so resistant to innovation. But with innovation comes a lot of flops. And Viva Laughlin is the flip-floppiest!Sorry, guys! Try again!