The Magnificent Seven
The Magnificent Seven
| 03 January 1998 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
    Micransix Crappy film
    Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
    Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
    Plk7777 I started watching a few episodes into first season. I was addicted immediately. The excellent cast and superb production level made me a devoted fan. The chemistry of the diverse characters, and the actors, was off the charts great. Character development was outstanding, especially considering the large ensemble cast. The overwhelming charisma of the two leads of Vin Tanner (sharpshooter with a price on his head) and Chris Larabee (menacing gunslinger) was very entertaining. It doesn't hurt that they are both very appealing. They put the buddy chemistry to the highest level. Great backups are Ezra Standish and Buck Wilmington. The whole cast is fantastic. Sometimes the shows got a little diluted by trying to slice each episode so each character had equal time. A greater concentration on the two leads might have saved the series. Or a consistent time slot. I wore my VHS tapes out and immediately got season one and two DVDs . I watch and enjoy them regularly. Pure entertainment.I still miss Vin, a fantastic Eric Close, and Chris, the enigmatic Michael Biehn. Have not seen such great chemistry between two characters before or since.Overall, if you like westerns, this will be a perfect watch. If you like great characters and high production, you will like this series. Trust me, you'll like it.
    jmit001 Normally I love finding old (and some not-so-old) westerns I haven't seen, to be the entertainment for the evening. It's such a great way to sit back, relax and escape the politics and world problems for a few hours. But this was not to be the case with this version of The Magnificent Seven. The casting and storyline of this series closely follow the Hollywood formula for politically correct entertainment; good old get-your-mind-right, revisionist history, where the 'bad guys' must all be white, male, Confederate (in this case), and preferably Christian (if it can somehow be worked into the script). It's sad, really. The best movies out there, are now and have always been about simply telling a good story up on the big screen - not about forwarding someone's political ideology.
    brilen018 I, along with my dad, sister, and past neighbor were extras in this movie. While I've never watched the original, I thought this version was pretty good. It was still a western but it has comedy mixed in as well...I was 12 when this was filmed and I liked it then...and I'm not big on westerns. The actors/actresses were brilliant. The old black man that played the trainer in the Rocky movies was also in this movie and my dad doubled for him in a few scenes so that was cool. Anyway just wanted to comment on something that I know firsthand about.i like that they turned it into a TV series too, that way it can still be watched from time to time and not forgotten. hope you enjoy/ed the movie.
    juliana72 This pilot is just the start of great things! Whilst aimed at an audience of men (because only men like westerns...) this is surely one for the ladies. All those hunky men on horseback! Give this excellent series a try - well written plots and spicy scripts and well rounded characters. I can guarantee at least one of the seven will take your fancy. Go on, saddle up!