TV-MA | 19 June 2014 (USA)

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    ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
    Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
    Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
    Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
    helenegrasser This TV series has all qualities I appreciate :Characters depicted in depth (men and women), evolving over episodes, facing situations that push them into their entrenchments and bring out the best or the worst of themselves. There are love stories between these characters but not only, there are also difficult father-son relationships, and enemy-friends brothers relationship.Original story : angels fighting against or beside the humans, a young lonely orphaned man learning gradually to become the chosen one who will save mankindActors of great quality, some of them already known and other new talents we discoveredProductors and actors sharing behind the scenes pictures with viewers, tweeting with fans, and still today after TV series was stoppedFans worldwide keeping supporting the TV series after it was stopped on a cliffhanger (without reason) and supporting the actors in their new projects.Dominion is amazing, one of a kind, and deserves a continuation, season 3 and more.
    killersquirrel59-925-740389 I will start this by saying I absolutely loved the first season. It had intrigue, it had plots, it had real characters I could love and hate. Most importantly though, the Angels, both higher angels and 8-balls were real people, definitely not human in how they thought, but clearly an intelligent enemy that presented moral and tactical issues with dealing with them. I was absolutely hooked and could not wait for season 2. Then I just recently started Season 2 and it was night and day different, and not for the better. The 8-balls that once were creepy people with heightened strength who took a lot of force to put down were reduced to shambling zombies chanting in a weird language and went down to a single gunshot. It's like they were trying to recreate the Walking Dead. It's terrible. I'm not sure what the hell they were thinking, but this is no longer the show I loved. I'll go for a few more episodes and give it a shot, but after the first 2 episodes of season 2 I am thoroughly not impressed.I rated Season 1 at 9 stars. Now it's down to 4.
    CrazyDane666 First i must say, that Dominion shows a lot of potential....I love post apocalypse movies and TV-shows, and i think that Dominion takes a interesting twist on this theme.But there are ONE big flaw that goes on in this show. (And many other TV-shows by the way) And it's actually very simple, more important characters should die! Yes i said DIE (And stay dead!)... Especially high thrilling action/fantasy/post apocalypse TV-shows! There is a reason why "Game of Thrones" and "The Walking Dead" is so popular and high rated. Is because of the unpredictable tension it gets, when the show kills some of the important characters... (And of cause the great act and writing etc.)But in Dominion, you KNOW that no one is gonna die, and stay dead! (so far) And that's really a huge shame, because i really think that it has a great potential!.. But sadly it does not give me that thrilling excitement that it should..But if you like post apocalypse and biblical theme, then this show might be something for you to watch. Sorry if my English is not that great!
    vanettelstarr-163-9775 What a twist for an ending in season two! Fantastic! Can't wait for season three! The writing just gets better and better! I look forward to the next level of installment in evil in this apocalyptic version of scripture. I didn't see Noam's as a betrayer or that David would all the sudden give himself up for unselfish reasons? And how do we goon without the female lead? I'm excited to see what's in store for us next? Who will be Alex's heart to fight for? And where the world is God? Are we to believe there is no God to prevail over evil? Is man alone to fight Satan? These are questions I'm left with and I hope they're answered in season three? Look forward to it!