Penn & Teller: Fool Us
Penn & Teller: Fool Us
TV-PG | 07 January 2011 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    GazerRise Fantastic!
    Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
    TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
    Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
    aldon-91614 I was able to get tickets a while back to see the show. I enjoyed it very much. Watching it at home is completely different. My complaint about watching it at home is Alyson. Someone needs to talk with Alyson Hannigan - news flash - you're wearing a microphone - no need to YELL when you introduce a magician. I find it really annoying. Lower the volume Alyson.
    kingbk-2 Penn & Teller aren't strangers to the tube. They've hosted game shows, appeared on reality shows and talk shows, and hosted the long running Showtime series "Bull*hit". However, they are best known for being a magic act in Las Vegas that combines comedy with illusions and some great effects as well. They finally have a show on TV that gives them the platform to do what they do best, but now they've opened it up for other magicians as well on "Fool Us."The concept is pretty simple. Four magicians from around the globe come to Vegas to perform one act in front of Penn & Teller. The magicians range from masters of card tricks, to mentalists, to prop artists and many more. After the act, Penn & Teller briefly confer and, in traditional magician form, declare they know how the trick is done using code words (like all magicians, they follow the code of not revealing how a trick is done) or admit they have no idea how it's done. If their guess is wrong or they are stumped, they tell the magician that he/she "fooled us" and the magician wins a trophy and is invited back to Vegas to open for Penn & Teller. After four magicians, Penn & Teller perform a trick of their own from their wide array of tricks. The best part about the show is how unlike other reality shows it is. Penn & Teller are positive, encouraging and very supportive of the magicians, whether they fooled them or not. There seems to be a certain level of respect between the hosts and the contestants that you don't see on many shows these days. Also, there is little "drama" or side stories like some reality shows like to emphasize now. It sticks to magic, the art and love of it, and letting up and coming magicians have the opportunity to display their skills to a wide audience. It's enjoyable, informational, and even educational. I recommend Fool Us to anyone looking to be awed.
    brianshoebridge1 This is wonderful television in the true sense of "wonder". Fool Us! makes for a refreshing change from the usual homogenised mass of formula drama & reality shows. There really is nothing quite like it around.With the best European illusionists & card masters it is full of interesting people who have incredible skills. There is nothing mean or nasty about this show. Penn doesn't even swear so it is a perfect show for bright kids as well as adults (grown-ups?) Jonathon Ross (Jonafon Woss??) does a pretty good job as compere. If you haven't seen Fool Us! yet, I recommend you go find it! And that's no BS!
    hesido This a truly outstanding TV show that brings highly talented magicians to the screen. Jonathan Ross does his job really well and Penn&Teller do a wonderful job of honoring true talents who come to the show to fool them. Nothing is controversial, Penn is courteous when dealing with fellow magicians, and the magicians accept defeat with humility, also Penn&Teller do a good job of keeping the methods secret when describing how the tricks are done, which helps keep the mystifying aspect of the tricks: the 'magic' is never totally gone even after Penn explains the methods used. Almost all of the acts are exciting and have a wow factor, which provide non-stop entertainment with very little filler to artificially boost the length of the show.