Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist
Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist
| 23 May 2014 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
    Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
    InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
    BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
    davish_wulf-1 I heard about this TV series by chance, when browsing for reviews on SF5 for consoles.After getting my hands on the movie version of the series, i started watching the movie in a "relaxed" way, not expecting too much from anything.I was impressed from the first fighting scene to the end. The movie depicts the Street Fighter spirit and atmosphere brilliantly and from the casting, the wardrobe, the amazing fights, well used effects, wonderful landscape and HD image, it was a feast to my eyes and kept me entertained for 2 hours in a row, begging for more.Never heard of Christian Howard, but he was the perfect choice for Ken. I would say the looks are somewhere on the SF Alpha version of Ken, with long hair and ponytail. The guy has the looks, the physique (humanly possible of course), the moves and the charisma of Ken. I felt like i was seeing one of my favorite characters being played in a live movie.Mike Moh as Ryu, on the other hand, was harder to grow on me, perhaps because there is a notorious discrepancy on physique between the 2 of them, other than that, he was a faithful Ryu, obsessed with getting better and better on fighting, while maintaining the DO spirit all the way. If he would "bulk up" a bit more, would be perfect (perhaps on the sequel). His face and fighting style fits the role perfectly.Story begins with our 2 famous fighters battling near a lake, followed by a flashback on the story and all begins from there. I'm sure the budget was a bit low for the movie, but it doesn't show one bit.Although the movie develops in a small environment, it is so well scripted, that you feel you're in a SF game. The flashbacks gives us a rich character development in the movie, in a very well staged back an forward story. Comedy and drama were put in all the right places and i loved the old-man on the lake, always teasing Ken, but don't want to be a spoiler.I don't know how good are the martial artists in the movie, what kind of experience they have in martial arts (i have to research on it), but every move, every fighting scene is a visual feast. You can feel the impact when they land a kick, with an excellent camera-work and edition, this is how fight scenes should be shot, independently if it is a realistic fight or not, after all, this is a game-based movie.Acting wise you can't expect Shakespeare here, like you can't expect that type of acting in a horror movie... it's a game movie and if you keep an open mind, like when you play a game or see a Manga movie, you will enjoy this movie even more than for the acting skills. In fact the acting skills fit the movie perfectly for what it is and no "DeNiro" performance would surpass anyone here in this type of role.Akira Koieyama, as Gôken - another surprise, this guy has the Samurai feeling of a "Toshiro Mifune", with the Japanese accent strongly rooted in his brute English, what a charismatic figure and actor, one of the best here. Another excel role was the one from Togo Igawa (Gôtetsu), who i already had seen on Last Samurai, he also was great, giving that "Akira Kurosawa" feeling to every scene he was on.Joey Ansah's "Akuma" was a pleasant surprise, they managed to give the character the background and looks of the games, an impressive fighter that was in the center of our story, perhaps my favorite part of the script.All in all, if you are a SF fan, specially of characters like Ryu, Ken and Akuma, go and see this somewhere, it is simply put, the best Street Fighter movie ever made.I can't wait to see the sequel, meanwhile, i will just boot up my console and play SF while watching the movie again.I sure hope that if Hollywood makes a SF movie, looks upon this guys and casts every single actor in here to the role they deserve, cause they sure well deserve it.
    Ronny Singer Have you seen the insane high ratings almost all the reviewers have given? They have said everything, this series is really THAT great! Season 2, please come fast! The actors doing a great job, portraying Ryu, Ken, Goken, Goki (Akuma) and Gotetsu very accurately. The production value is almost unbelievable, considering the low budget. Hollywood, shame on you! The proverb is really true: A small budget inspires creativity! (if there's motivation). After the two abysmal Hollywood movies, everybody was convinced that a live-action adaptation of Street Fighter is impossible. Assassins Fist proved us all wrong. I'm so happy for that!
    Someone Maybe This is how a video game adapted to TV-series.Beautifully filmed, great storyline and the best thing of all the characters and their customs done perfectly.The sound effect were very good if we put to our consideration that this is a fan film with low budget.The graphic effect again very good for low budget film.The action scene were AWESOME!! and the best thing in the whole series.This series and Joey Ansah more budget and more people and characters to be included in the series. also need more drama and character development.
    bkbirge I don't know beans about the video game this is based on other than I'm old enough to remember it in the arcades but as I've never been a fan of that kind of game I never really played it. So my review is as a casual martial arts movie fan...This is character driven, make no mistake. There is a plot and it's not bad but the bulk of the movie is us all getting to know these characters and their backstories. 90% of the scenes are in one dojo in the woods and if you are craving lots of spectacle you will be disappointed. This is cut more from the old Kung-fu TV series style of cloth, where there are lots of scenes of characters training and struggling with inner motivations on their way to becoming masters. In that sense it follows a grand tradition of martial arts cinema and that's a good thing. A little magic, a bit of action, and a lot of character development is what you get here.Most of it is set in the 80's with flashes back to the 60's and they did a good job of portraying those time periods without hitting us over the head with "hey it's the 80's". It's believable within the logic of the movie.It is not without flaws. Pacing is slow and while I get that's on purpose there are some areas where it is just too slow. There is also a bit of scenery sameness, it's pretty much all in the woods. What they did with the budget is amazing but it is still noticeable that there wasn't much of one. And a blond badger apparently climbed onto the head of one of the main leads and died there.Speaking of the acting, this is what carries the movie through the flaws. You can tell the actors were having fun with their particular archetypes they played out. It is their interactions that make the movie as interesting as it is.I think if you are a fan of traditional martial arts movies, perhaps not as filled with explosive action as modern fare, you will like this. I hope they make more and I look forward to seeing where they take the characters.Recommended.