The Brink
The Brink
TV-MA | 21 June 2015 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
    AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
    Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
    Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
    ozone-21499 "The Brink" is a 'rara avis' these days. It's a gem stone, It's one of the best political satires I have ever watched and it saddens me to find that there's only one season. No, they can't stop, it can't be true. Not especially in our political zeitgeist, anyway. I really hope the'll change their mind. The plot is smart, the script is beautifully written, the characters are strong and the actors are splendid. Even Jack Black, whose act is...let's say dynamic, well, to my awe in this show is surprisingly good because it's toned down a bit. Still a buffoon, but in a good way. Tim Robbins, as a Secretary of State on the other hand is sensational, he's a genius and he's bloody perfect for that part! Like other reviewers I would like to applaud the writers and also the producers for this amazing show!
    kevinecahill This hilarious series tells us more about American foreign policy than all the articles of the New York Times and the Washington Post put together. Every member of Congress should watch every episode of The Brink. HBO's decision not to do a second series is sad. Did Republicans in Congress object to the truth displayed in The Brink? Did the weapons industry object? Dwight Eisenhower warned us against the military-industrial- congressional complex. Did AIPAC object? I loved Tim Robbins's acting. The dialogue was superb, so much better than the drivel that normally saturates Hollywood movies. Jack Black and all the other actors were just fine.A friend of mine who speaks some of the languages of South Asia tells me that the movie got the politics just right.
    mraos Brilliant. A thinking man's geopolitical thriller, Dr. Strangelove updated for 21st century audiences and media.A word of warning: although this is labeled as a "comedy", more accurate description would be "a farce". Its attitude towards factual reality it conveys is more akin to that of Blackadder for example than, say, Tropical Thunder. Weirdness and over-the-top exaggerations abound but the underlying "feel of the times" is absolutely rock hard solid. Dr. Strangelove for 21st century indeed.All 10 out of 10 stars from me. The series is taking a mickey out of everybody with wonderfully reckless abandon, the one liners as well as plot structure are a wonder to behold, acting top-notch, action and effects, music and photography up to HBO's recent very high standards.. The only valid complaint anyone could care to make is about a few technical simplifications which would otherwise rile the hell out of a military tech buff like me but they're all very well justified by the need to keep the plot flowing smoothly and therefore can be tolerated in the light of benefits gained. Also, go easy with the first pilot episode, things take some time to get rolling into full speed (tempo, tempo!) and don't take every stereotypical character for granted, it is there for a reason.Again, 10/10 for the complete first season. We'll see how it goes from here, although I'd say everything's that had to be said is already there so I'm not sure a 2nd season would work as well. Although I'd love to revisit the characters and I really can't get enough of their "stuff" maybe it would be best to leave this brilliant little diamond as perfect as it is.p.s. ("You no have weed?" ahhahhahah! "You no have weed?" ahhahhahha!)
    gmaland2 This show has a lot going for it. Great writing, great casting, great story - what more can you ask for? It's hilarious, reminiscent of Dr. Strangelove in a way, but truly laugh out loud funny. It also is entertaining from a story-driven, action-packed level that works perfectly with all the humor. I love Tim Robbins' character: smart, insightful, almost earnest (he really would prefer we not blow up the earth), yet also, a hardcore womanizer and partier who breaks all the rules, risks everything, yet can win big in spite of it all. Jack Black is also great in The Brink. In spite of his general incompetence and ineptitude, he has tons of heart and manages to come through when it really matters. I cannot wait for season 2!