Show Me a Hero
Show Me a Hero
TV-MA | 16 August 2015 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
    Mjeteconer Just perfect...
    Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
    Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
    phd_travel The forced building of public housing in a mainly white middle class in Yonkers is the background for the story which follows councilman Nick Wasicsko's journey through the despite. So many issues of race and class and politics merge together. This true story is so good that it left me reeling after it finished. The title is simplistic but the story is much more complicated.Who would guess city council politics and real estate disputes could be so tense and make such compelling viewing. So much dirty politics in such a small city with it's betrayal and loyalty. There is a lot of jumping between the different characters on the many sides of the dispute. There are the local politicians, the people from the projects who would benefit from a better place to live and some of the residents of Yonkers who feel threatened by the new housing. It's a bit difficult to keep track of the different characters at first. Paul Haggis does a good job of including the different points of view but I think he could have reduced completed more of one plot line before jumping to another.The acting is award worthy. Oscar Isaac is very watchable as the viewer follows the up and down trajectory of Nick's tragic life. His earnestness, courage, despair are so utterly convincing that the ultimate tragedy is really painful. Supporting cast are worth a mention. Winona Ryder has become very good at showing conflicted emotions and when she is on screen she steals the show. Catherine Keener is unrecognizable as one of the Yonkers residents who changes her tone.Do watch this even if you think you might not be interested in the subject matter - it's better than you could possibly imagine.
    chris_wales It's well acted. It's honest (worthy perhaps is a better word). It's also very literal, not much in the way of drama, the pace is (understandably) slow and steady, local politics mixed with soap opera. The motivation of the characters isn't really made clear and they aren't really developed very much. I didn't feel like I got to know anybody by the end of the series. I'm sure it's true to the book etc, but as I said it's literal, a bit clunky, somewhat dull. There are important wider issues illustrated here of course, and I was generally glad I watched it. The IMDb minimum of ten lines makes for an extraordinarily long review in my opinion. I think they should reduce it to - say -7 or possibly 8 - lines at some point in the near future.
    gvenditto The production is impeccable, with beautiful cinematography, and a realism that captures both the middle class neighborhoods and poverty with almost chillingly accurate detail.The performances by Oscar Davis, Bob Balaban and Winona Ryder (just to pick a few) are perfect. But the exposition is just so tedious that I found it a chore to watch. I really want to know what happens. I live near Yonkers and even though this drama played out while I considered buying a house there, I don't even know how it was resolved.The problem with this series is not the slow pace of the courtroom and council meetings. At least they have some pomp and ceremony that defines the proceedings. Its the very slow pace at which each character moves ahead at like two steps per minute. There's not a bit of nuance or shading to the characters - they're all just tortured by the dilemma they face. In the end, watching it feels like a chore.
    npassage Just watched the first two episodes, wow, unbelievable. I think I see where this is going and it's going to be fantastic. Oh dear, it's going to be so great, I can hardly wait. The feel of the thing, the shots in the city offices, people sitting around, the council meetings with people screaming, it so well done, it's scary, seeing those people yelling and screaming raises a lot of political, social issues, what is the right thing. Would I be screaming with them? What would you do? The mayor is pitch perfect, calm, controlled, when will he break? The old lady, what is she going to do next, everything depends on her, absolutely incredible.
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