The Good Wife
The Good Wife
TV-14 | 22 September 2009 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
    Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
    Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
    Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
    stathakisf A star that started a sad housewife tries to take action in her life,but is going back and forward emotionally,she is always crying and when she wants to be a determined professional back stabs everybody (friends and co-workers) but emotionally dependents on her fear of love and acts spasmodically when she feels threatened and runs back to her cheating husband at anytime...A desirable researcher (that I still don't get why everybody is falling in love with her) and a fool (Will) always in love that sacrifices his personal happiness for a woman that doesn't know what she wants.A fantastic judicial tv series,that has flaws (3-4 judges and 2-4 arch enemies.Like there are no other lawyers in a state...The star of this show (Julianna Margulies) is a very emotionally flat (about expressions) that becomes hated since the beginning of the 4th season.The beast character is Diane Lockhart played be fantastic Christine Baranski and secondly Eli Gold played by Alan Cumming.The kids are also ok
    JamesRutland This series is well made but its aim is to show in good way the evil in the individuals which manage power and laws disdaining human beings. The cynicism is to paint in good way the evil so to make it gracious; also the good figures are in some way bad because they appear as pathetically hypocrite full of false goodness unable to recognize the evil in front of them. This kind of series is the attempt to undermine the evil within the hearts of people embellishing it with curiosity and morbidity. The only benefit concerns with the description of what USA are: a false evil tyranny full of false dreams by which to scam citizen based on the contempt and corruption of human life. As far as the narrative structure a lot of incoherence is present: processes ends soon; the protagonist wants to be a good state attorney to pursue honesty but during her contest helps assassins, drug system and other criminal to avoid the condemnation. Many characters and situations are ridiculous. The good directing and pace seem only to mask these weaknesses. A series to depict a cynical evil world where greedy enriched, criminal system and power individuals represent the mediocrity of the society with their useless existences which damage and corrupt the life of the whole community ("the only "good" message": the system is completely corrupt and you are part of this system).
    chriskoczka-64473 This is a great series in that it is quite entertaining. My favorite character is that of Kalinda Sharma excellently played by Archie Panjabi; her character has the highest IQ, even if she has great emotional vulnerabilities. The lawyers she works for would not have half the win rate if it wasn't for her 'research'I do not like that they keep saying they are in Chicago, when almost every outdoor scene was made in New York City. It is well written and well acted, considering you keep in mind it is an American network TV drama, where all too often good premise is diluted by adding emotionally immaturity to the plot's best characters.I still think "The Good Wife" is worth a binge watch.
    TxMike May 9th, 2016, this series ended last night with its final episode of the 8-season run. My wife and I were regular viewers of this dramatic series, although some seasons the story lines didn't interest us much so we at times watched sporadically.Julianna Margulies, who also produces, is the star 'good wife' as Alicia Florrick. She is an attorney in Chicago and her husband is a politician. During the run he actually becomes Governor of Illinois. During the last few episodes his corruption trial was featured, from his days as State's Attorney.During the 8 seasons we saw much drama and office politics. We find that Alicia is not a good wife, she has extramarital affairs, and her husband similarly is not a good husband. But they try to be good parents to their son and daughter.When it is all said and done we fully realize it is well-written fiction, the characters do not live on after the final episode. What was good about it? The story lines contain lots of ambiguity and real life has lots of ambiguity, that never goes away, just gets replaced by different ambiguities. All the actors are good and all create interesting characters.
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