Day Break
Day Break
| 15 November 2006 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
    Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
    Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
    Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
    Jonathan Cressman This was an incredibly intelligent show. Unfortunately you have to watch all 15 hours of it in order. You can't join in on the second episode because it just wouldn't make sense. Today Netflix could create such a show but back in 2006 there was no way to make this show commercially viable. Great story, great character development and great consistency. Also while the time loop is central to the story, this is very much a detective show. There is a puzzle and other than the time loop there are no special "star trek" moments where the writers just make up some new science to wrap an episode up in the last 5 minutes. Watch the show and be prepared to have to pay close attention.
    StooBush Clayton Rohner? Yep, the dude who got the guy/girl Terry in "Just One of the Guys." Apparently he did it. So he's God, or something fairly close to it, 'cause he's the one (cleaned up from his scruffy Jared character) at the end of the finale looking on as things return to normalcy for Brett et al. Makes me wonder if he appears in episodes where Jared doesn't in other disguises.So it's over. Most of the baddies get their comeuppance; Mitch Pileggi turns out to be good; and Adam Baldwin turns out to be bad, and yet he escapes to somewhere. Nice switcheroo there.Great show. Great finale. ABC should've aired it instead of reruns of According to Jim and The George Lopez Show. If it's ever released on DVD, it better have a lot of extras, 'cause I don't know how re-watchable this series is. But, then again, since no one watched it in the first place, it may do quite well.Yet another example of Hollywood's inability to differentiate the good from the bad.One question, though. What happened to Margo?
    wendygail2 I also liked this show very much, and was sad to see it taken off the air. I looked forward to it every week. I like the casting. It is now available to watch online at enjoy!Viewing it online, is a little different from TV, although there are just a couple of commercials in each episode. I hope you are able to find the time to catch the episodes that you missed on TV. I am just rambling in order to complete the guidelines of IMDb. Seems I need 10 lines of text. And I really don't have much else to say. Please let your friends know that this show is now available online.Thanks for listening/reading my ramblings.! Gail
    moneysmith-1 "Day Break" was such an original, inventive show, I'm really sorry it won't be on any longer. The premise was great, and the acting, writing and directing were all terrific, much more interesting in most prime time TV. What is ABC thinking? They air some of the lamest programming around, but when a quality show comes along, they dump it because only 4.4 million people were watching? Nice. How many people watched "24" during its first season? As far as I can tell, you can't even see the "Day Break" episodes online any longer. ABC has removed the show from the website, as though it never even existed. And network executives wonder why they're losing viewers.