The West Wing
The West Wing
TV-14 | 22 September 1999 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Pluskylang Great Film overall
    Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
    GarnettTeenage The film was still a fun one that will make you laugh and have you leaving the theater feeling like you just stole something valuable and got away with it.
    Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
    auburn-16223 Aaron Sorkin is a genius. He borrows from himself a lot if you watch other shows, but you know what? He's allowed. That's what's floating around in his brain.Didn't watch this show the first time around, but when I found it on Netflix, I couldn't stop. Beautifully written, shot, and through The West Wing Weekly podcast, remembered.This show has a timeless quality to it, because it focuses on human interaction, and isn't flashy or gimmicky. Thanks to all who made this show happen.
    lukeshulver I have watched The West Wing from start to finish 3 times and it never fails to elicit every single range of emotions. I have laughed out loud, shed a tear, and shouted out in anger, sometimes all within a single episode. With the incredibly fast paced dialogue, the wit and palpable on screen chemistry the cast clearly share, it is a joy to behold. In terms of content it raises above the standard fair of crime, violence, blood, gore, Kardaasians and car chases, and instead speaks to the hopes and dreams of a society where hard work, integrity, intelligence, and honour are celebrated instead of mediocrity and presented in the best 45 minutes of TV history ever created. Oh how I wish there were more shows like this capable of reminding and restoring faith in humanity. Mandatory viewing for boxset bingers.
    rickyricky-63746 great TV shows never miss to watch excellent work of sheen in this show perfect plot to a political drama good characters in this shows very addictive and worth watching TV show all character are good set and good acting in the whole show they shown there best acting in this show and sheen he just a great legend to the show if you are miss this show you have to watch a great show be missing this show rating almost 50 percent 10 rating you see that 50 percent means show lot great fans all over there.yes i agree with all TV fans that this shows is old but it is perfect show for all of you this show is old but do not forget old is gold yes this show is gold for those who seen this old for those who miss this
    javmart Deluted staff members with a false sense of entitlement who behave in the white house like they did in their bedroom back in their parents home.Their always, talking, throwing their two cents worth on any topic to showing off their knowledge. It truly gets annoying. just be quite and work.The press conference is a kiss ass fest of flaterry from the press secretary directed to the room full of reporters.The Jewish characters are passionate speakers. As educated as they characterized to be they should know better that to think that passion has any weight in an argument. The character Toby is pompous and gets off when being in position of power. The character Josh is an younger immature version of Toby.Lowe appears to be the only character with manners and decency to work in the white house. Even the president's character is an arrogant know it all with a Napolean complex. He and his wife forget their public servants and behave as though they were royalty. Leo is an angry miserable old man. Just looking at him will turn your mood.The only realistic aspect of this show is the situation room. Its quick and brief although sometimes unnecessarily poetic. Everything else seems to be overly glorified, dramatized.I get annoyed hearing the characters constant talking and walking back and forth. It's as though they like the sound of their voice or have a delusion of grandeur and doing so when walking only adds to fuels that false belief. I can't watch more than 1 minute of this show sometimes. There constant talking annoys me. I think if America didn't have a class system everyone would agree on what needs to be done and no one would have a say in anything that needs to be done and that which needs to get done would get done without saying a word. It would certainly diffuse their discombobulated dynamic of walking and talking back and forth which feeds the characters narcissistic (with the exception of Lowe's character) personality and allows them to get their jollies.In short, the show is annoying because the characters are annoying.