King & Maxwell
King & Maxwell
TV-14 | 10 June 2013 (USA)

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    Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
    Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
    Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
    Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
    mrocco-1 I often will DVR a new show and watch it after 3-4 episodes have recorded. I'm really glad I did that here, because the first episode was OK, but didn't grab me until a few episodes in.Can I say that one thing I LOVE is the way Maxwell dresses. I am so TIRED of seeing women playing cops on TV dressed like they're going out for a beer on a Friday night, cleavage and all. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure a time will come where she's all decked out (in an appropriate situation) and will knock our socks off (like Kate on Castle). It's refreshing that she (the writers) don't take that tired road here. In real life we don't all run around all day showing cleavage and wearing the extra tight jeans in our work environment. We save that for 'after work' time :)I really love everything about this show; plots, conflicts, character development, zany 'not lead' characters. ***Spoiler*** And how fun was it to have a cameo with Rebecca's real life husband Jerry, playing a sleazy guy named Jerry!
    ShelbyTMItchell If you like Jon Tenney on "The Closer" with Kyra Sedgwick, it is finally nice for him to get paid his dues and get his own show with Rebecca Romijn(The X-Men) as two US Secret Service agents who lost their jobs and are now private detectives.As they manage to get the job done. Despite the interference of Michael O Keefe as Agent Frank Rigby who is by the book but can't help by have a grudging appreciation for the two protagonists and Chris Butler as younger agent, Darius Carter who seems to more like the two than his older by the book partner.Still it is so far a pretty good show as glad to see Jon Tenney get his dues paid for. And rewarded in the process. While Rebecca Romijn seems to be more eye candy as she is the weakest link of the cast. No offense.
    atlasmb I have watched the first two episodes of King & Maxwell, and I feel the foundation has been laid for a very enjoyable series. The action takes place in D.C., providing an interesting backdrop to the action. The titular characters are ex-Secret Service agents who are now partners in a PI firm. King and Maxwell are self-described as a "man of words" and a "woman of action". Their relationship includes friendly bickering and teasing, and a sexual tension. Though they both might be described as world-weary, there is an energy that is driven by their interactions.Of course every protagonist must have an antagonist. The thorn in K&M's side is the FBI, personified by the cantankerous Agent Ribgy (and his sidekick Agent Carter).In the first episode, we encounter the "idiot savant" Edgar Roy, who Maxwell invites--off the cuff--into the firm. When we find in episode 2 that he is a series regular, it is a happy surprise. His character, a la Rainman, injects humor, unpredictability and counterpoint to the team's gung-ho style.So far, I have found the comedic vignettes at the beginning of the episodes enjoyable. And the ending of each episode has been satisfying. K&M are results-oriented and willing to bend the rules. They might even break a few. They tackle problems and threats head-on. They have serious skills with weapons and in hand combat. But the comedy elements in this show are so strong that the tone is fairly light. In fact, I am tempted to describe the show as "sweet" because the characters are allowed to show their sensitive sides. I hope TNT can keep this show on the air. They have assembled some real talent in cast and crew. Let me finish by saying that the stylistic shooting and editing in the first two episodes did not go unnoticed. Can they keep continue with these high standards?
    chahn54 David Baldacci is one of my favorite authors and I have read everything he's written. However, I had no idea that one of his series had been made into a TV show, so I was totally surprised when I happened to accidentally stumble upon it. First of all, when a book has been made into a movie or TV show, very rarely does the video coincide with the mental visuals you had in your head while reading the book itself. As I was watching the episode, my mind was scrambling to figure out which book it was and what was going to happen and I was mentally comparing the actors to the version I had in my head of the book characters. What I enjoyed the most from Baldacci books isn't the plot--hasn't it all been done before? But it's the characterization that pulls me in. Although I've only seen one episode, I'll keep watching to see if the actors can establish the same relationship. And, secondly, why wasn't this series advertised more? For pete's sake, this series is based on a very successful author's work--advertise it so that people know it's there. You shouldn't have to stumble upon it.
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