Tenspeed and Brown Shoe
Tenspeed and Brown Shoe
| 27 January 1980 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Steineded How sad is this?
    XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
    Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
    TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
    richardnibbler I too remember this show from a very young age. I wasn't even five years old when it premiered on ABC, yet I can vividly recall the theme song. They actually showed reruns of it back when I was in grammar school, and I never forgot it. Well,according to Amazon.com, "Tenspeed and Brownshoe: The Complete Series" will be released on DVD in March of this year! I'm ordering my copy ahead of the release date so I suggest you guys check it out. At the price they're offering I doubt there'll be any extras but that's fine with me. It's true that the chemistry between Jeff Goldblum and Ben Vereen was easy and natural. Because the actors liked each other, their character's friendship seemed genuine. They were so mismatched and from totally different backgrounds, and yet they worked so well together. I was such a sucker for private eye novels and TV shows, and I loved how Stephen J. Cannell played with that genre's conventions on this show in particular. Neither of them had law- enforcement backgrounds; one of them had been on the wrong side of the law most of his life and the other one was as straight-laced as could be. Yet they were legitimate private eyes, combining their unique talents to solve the mystery while making us smile along the way. I loved how they went back and forth with each other; nowadays, this type of banter is par for the course, but in 1980 it was so ahead of it's time. Anyway, just wanted to let my fellow fans know the news.Thanks!
    grayhorsedesigns I was in my twenties when this show was on and I loved it, too. It was quirky and different and I just wish it had been given time to grab an audience. Unfortunately, it came out before the viewing public started wanting something different from the usual detective TV show fare...that was so dull and predictable that you not only recognized the plot but could usually anticipate the dialogue. I always liked different though and remember how refreshing I found this show and its stars. It was delightful and introduced me to it's two stars Ben Vereen and Jeff Goldblum. It's sense of humor, for those that never had the opportunity to see it, reminded me of a show that came out several years later and was quite successful, Moonlighting. It was fresh and totally different and perhaps, in retrospect, that uniqueness is exactly what sent this wonderful show to an early grave. I hope that eventually some kind (and highly intelligent) soul does see the need to release it on DVD; I will certainly buy it. And I'd love to see it show up as a rerun...if some bright exec from TVland or Sleuth channels happens to be reading this. I think this show would weather the years well and that audiences today would love it. Sadly, it was just a show that debuted before its time.
    fraa63-1 this series is excellent that was the best series of the time ,it should be print in DVD and even rerun with more episodelike they did for the twilight zone , they even should make a movie of it like they did for starky n hutch batman and so on that series made me laugh likeno other series well except maybe fawlty tower,mr bean ...pleasemake a DVD of it there s DVD of older series like get smart so why not tenspeed n brown shoes (by the way i didn t know the title as i used to watch that in dub version )
    Gislef Why doesn't A&E, or Lifetime, ever show this? Jeff Goldblum's only foray into series TV as a regular demonstrates that he should have done it much more often. His naive, karate-chopping ex-stockbroker private eye-wanna be is probably one of the most unique characters to be seen on TV. Ben Vereen is more your typical con-man type (which Stephen Cannell re-visited a few years later in "Sonny Spoon"), but Vereen makes the part entirely his own. Mix with goofy, homage plots (they did Maltese Falcon twice), and you have Moonlighting without the ego trips.-----Revised: Well, the series is now out on DVD, and obviously Jeff Goldblum has gotten a new series in the intervening years. Having fully watched a few episodes, I won't say that the memory cheats. But the first couple of episodes are rather complex, and not in a good way. The plots tend to meander along and new characters are introduced late in the game and you're left wondering who they are. "Robin Tucker's..." makes a big ado about being at the Robin Tucker Ballroom... and then the ballroom really has nothing to do with the case. The main characters are still endearing, and Goldblum has some very odd mannerisms (like hopping over a hedge to confront a bad guy). But the voice-over in the early episodes goes on quite a bit, even for a parody/homage. Goldblum sometimes goes over the edge from endearing to obnoxious, or just idiotic. Like when he drops his gun and kicks it along trying to pick it up. Lionel is naive, not stupid. Still, it's better than a lot of shows of the era... and a lot since then.
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