TV-14 | 27 May 2012 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    ClassyWas Excellent, smart action film.
    BroadcastChic Excellent, a Must See
    Married Baby Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?
    Marva-nova Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
    blanche-2 Continuum is a show about time travel -- a woman from 2077 is inadvertently sent back to our present. In the future, the corporations run the world, and she's one of their soldiers.Okay, corporate rule is part of the definition of Fascism; and truly, the world she lives in with her family seems Big Brother-ish, intrusive, and restrictive.On the basis of this, a bunch of people on IMDb decided to write off the show, sometimes as early as the first episode, because the lead character, Keira (Rachel Nichols) is on the wrong side.The wrong side. I really don't know what that means. First of all, I was intrigued that she was a soldier in the future and wondered if, seeing the seeds of the future planted now in the past, if she would change sides.I'm now watching season 4. While I'm not big on sci fi, I am enjoying "Continuum". The acting is a little all over the place - Victor Webster was a soap star known as a young man for being drop- dead gorgeous and unable to act. He gets by. Rachel Nichols is better. I also like Erik Knudson, Ian Tracey, Stephen Lobo, Luvia Peterson, and Omari Newton. It's a young, attractive cast.I can understand giving up on a show after the first season, the first ten episodes, but come on -- the first episode? Must everything be pegged right or left wing? I guess so. Today a woman is sexually assaulted and it's politicized. So I'm not surprised.
    jaydevadhikari Before I start, let me make some disclaimers: 1) I am a big fan of time traveling shows 2) I am not fussy about the science being accurate on the show 3) I do not mind few inconsistencies in the logic of the show, especially a time travel show, as time travel, by definition is quite a paradoxical topic to deal withHaving said that, I have to admit that the only reason I completed 4 seasons of this show was because it started well, and I just had to finish it because I could not believe that a show can be so badly written, and was hoping for a miracle at the end that explained everything. Apart from good performances from the cast (apart from the lead though, who by all accounts, is the worst actress I have seen on TV), there is nothing good about this show. The premise was strong, and they had a good story to tell as well, but pi*s poor writing ensured that all of it went to waste.I have seen my share of bad shows, and shows that wasted its potential, but the writing on this show just takes it to a whole new level. The show not only kept making sh*t up, and dropping mega plots like bad habits along the way, it did so by introducing clumsy writing which lacked any imagination and was at times childish.I really wish I had never seen this show. Trust me, if you are looking for a good time travel or Sci-Fi show, go for 12 Monkeys, go for Fringe, in fact go and watch X-Files all over again, instead of watching this show.
    drew_cmh Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I think many viewers weren't really paying attention and missed the point. Possible futures, what kind of world does everyone want to live in, the good guys are the bad guys, or are they? Shades of gray everywhere and who really has the right idea or plan to change the past and future for the "better?"You don't like Sci-Fi time travel stuffs, look elsewhere. You want a $200-300 million dollar Hollywood budgeted show, wrong place. You want to see some of the old X-Files alumni, creative writing, a good story, some decent acting (great by some, acceptable by others), pretty good effects and a really well thought out story; this is a show for you. Too bad they made them end it early but so glad they got to wind it up to some degree anyway.This is further evidenced by the fact that the US Networks have finally discovered this show and there's a whole group of copies coming out. Too funny, watch the original and enjoy!
    fredjohnson55343 I just finished watching all 42 episodes this past week for the first time. In general I liked the series, especially all the Syfy special effects. The last few episodes did seem a bit awkward for some reason, but I can't pin it on any specific thing. Maybe it was Kiera's new boyfriend near the end of the series whose relationship didn't take long enough to develop and seemed like it appeared haphazardly out of nowhere so that they could conclude this series sooner than later. I thought the acting was very good to excellent from all the cast, especially police officer Carlos Fonnegra. I was personally let down by the final episode. She goes back to her future after a 3 year hiatus, sees her son with her other self and finds out she can't get involved. That's it, the show ends there. I would have done the ending differently. I would have created a relationship between Carlos and Kiera maybe around year 2 or year 3 of the series. A relationship where they love each other but never took the next step to romance, date, etc, where she stays aloof and he holds back. Then, in the last show of the whole series I'd add a final scene where after seeing her other self with her son and knowing she can't have him, she gets back on the time machine and the last scene is her appearing in 2014, the day after she left, and Carlos is there to meet her. Then the series ends and it would be a much happier ending rather than leaving us to believe she went back to the future and now has nothing, no child, no husband, just old age Alec and must start a new life there. 2077 is a place where the audience has not been for 3.5 years and therefore cannot as easily relate to.