TV-14 | 27 May 2012 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Mjeteconer Just perfect...
    CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
    BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
    Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
    kanedena Watched it twice and it was even better the second time around. You can't skip any scene or storyline. Rachel Nichols gives the show its heart and soul.
    Sailinship I'm only writing this review because I want the execs and writers to hear the voice of a Sci-Fi fan. This show sucks. It's another drama/cop show with boring plots. All the stories I've watched so far play out just like every cop drama and I HATE cop dramas, I don't hate cops, just the way they are portrayed on Television, and that includes detectives in CSI and all that other baloney. They never get to the heart of how complicated most cases and people are. And this show suffers from that as well. It's an hour long episode of people bickering, little lies, confrontations that rarely ever end in any form of real resolution.As far as the plot holes, here's one, it's supposed to be sci-fi but there isn't any. Having a few gadgets does not make it sci-fi.And there are so many of these shows, Defiance, The 100, Falling skies, Revolution, and more I'm sure. They all build there stories upon conflicts that are rooted in the characters having poor logic skills or poor lines of communication. Then there's the constant gun play, so many shoot outs, with so little resolution.You know what made Star Trek so great? They found ways to tell stories that didn't revolve around people arguing. Sure, some of the episodes were more boring than others, but not as boring as watching fake gun battles.Please, if you're reading this and you're a writer or a T.V. exec, just know that this kind of schlock has go to stop.
    rdempster-456-292926 There's lots of promise in the concept and storyline, good special effects also. I 'stuck' with it for 5 episodes in Series 1, but I just couldn't believe the characters... lame and wooden, especially the Cop character Carlos! Shame.Its a time-hopping saga, from future to present set in Vancouver, with some great photography and CGI's, especially Keiras tech-suit has some cool ideas.May revisit it at some time after my initial time investment, but there are some many good alternatives I NEED to watch first!
    ajrcvr If you can be entertained by the mishmash of pseudo-sci-fi drama in this story, you can be entertained by anything. Disney cartoons have much more realistic drama in them than this show. If you like this, then please, do yourself a favor and go back and watch "Frozen" or "Tangled" or "Wall-E" or even "The Little Mermaid," because all of these have more realistic elements in them than "Continuum." The characters are stupid, unsympathetic, and unbelievable, which tends to ruin things right there. The scenarios are patently absurd, exploring something that does not and cannot exist, and if you could buy that there is a way to effect time travel, then you have to get past the ridiculous "science" of invisible people, magical weapons that spring into being out of almost nothing using unlimited power that comes from who knows where, magic suits that are bulletproof and operate, again, on unlimited power with absolutely no source, and defy the laws of physics, since whether a bullet penetrated the suit or not, the power and momentum of the projectiles, especially from a machine gun, would still knock the person down, likely break some ribs, and definitely incapacitate them. Added to that, you have hundred pound women throwing around 200 pound men with ease, and people being pounded mercilessly and thrown through walls and windows, surviving without a problem, and hardly a scratch. Then, of course, you have computers that have unlimited information on everything and can do virtually anything in 3-dimensional, holographic space, again, operating on an unlimited energy source (and it would take a ton!), which turns out to be magic, since there is no energy source that could power any of these things, and if there were, it would be bulky and need to be recharged often, like every few hours. Same goes for the little computerized contact lenses which also operate by magic and have virtually limitless information which is stored who knows where. These devices are not clever, they are silly! Whenever the writers need a plot element, they just create the scenario out of thin air, with no mind to whether it would be in any way possible, and "Deus Ex Machina" exists as a routine plot element. "Star Trek" and "Star Wars" look like hard science compared to the absolutely goofy pretend "science" that they try to pull off in this show with a straight face. It's not even good fantasy, since wizardry has more logical and possible factors than anything in "Continuum." The Road Runner and Wile E Coyote science are about at the level that is used in this series, except it is not funny, not engaging, and posts stories that are unbelievable, and usually preposterous, often to the point where you could laugh at them. They employ every writer's error that exists in the world, thereby destroying any attempt at willing suspension of disbelief or trying to follow a plausible story line. There are simply wa-a-ay too many practical impossibilities and logical writing mistakes in this series to take any of it seriously, follow a reasonable story line, or to find any satisfaction at the show trying to resolve any of its sophomoric problems.