Burn Notice
Burn Notice
TV-PG | 28 June 2007 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
    Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
    Leoni Haney Yes, absolutely, there is fun to be had, as well as many, many things to go boom, all amid an atmospheric urban jungle.
    Edison Witt The first must-see film of the year.
    kosmasp It's the year 2007 (start of the show), but apart from the gadgets (and maybe some clothes) this show feels very much like it still is the 80s. Now why would I say that and is it a bad thing? Not necessarily concerning the latter and I say it, because while it does become "serialized" (as the people involved say themselves on the discs) towards the end, especially the beginning feels like a crime of the week thing.Now if that is your thing, then obviously you are right here. And let me tell you, it is very difficult to dislike the characters or the actors behind them. The show is held very light and it held up for 7 seasons. Something not many shows can add to their badge. But it also starts dragging. Which brings us back to the point I was making: The show does not work as good if you binge watch (that is watch as many episodes as possible back to back).One thing that does work and holds up almost during the complete run of the show, is the fact that while Westen (Donovan) is trying to find things out or get back into the game, there are always side missions. Which are a good distraction, but also add to the feeling of "baddie/crime" of the week vibe.You have a lot of guest stars and some who are coming back too (mostly re-introduced for those who either forgot or those new to watching). There is as with many shows not the immediate danger you feel for those involved, unlike let's say what 24 achieved in doing, where you knew only Jack Bauer was "untouchable". But again, this is a much lighter affair, where even in the most dangerous situation you'll have the main characters making a joke.Getting Renny Harlin to direct a couple of episodes from a certain point helped the show too. But I think both parties profited from that connection. It is what it is and you'll either love it or wish it was more coherent and had more flesh on its bones ... Matter of perspective
    Terryfan This is one of U.S.A. Network best original television series, I got into the series during the later off of Season 1 but when they rerun the first season in time for the season finale I got hooked. Burn Notice has a strong balance of drama, comedy and action which works to make it a must watch.The series started off with the series main protagonist Michael Westen played by Jeffrey Donovan who worked as a spy for the C.I.A. only to be given a Burn Notice where that means he was fired and left with nothingno cash, no credit, no job history so they dump him in the city of Miami where he meets his trigger happy ex- girlfriend Fiona Glenanne played by Gabrielle Anwar he is more or less not thrill about his mess then he ends up having to meet his old friend who used to inform on him to the F.B.I. Sam Axe played by Bruce Campbell who ends up helping him look for work.At the start of the series Michael uses his skills as a spy to help those with problems that no one else could save kind of like "The-A Team" with Sam and Fiona helping him with the jobs. What makes Burn Notice a great show is that Jeffrey, Bruce and Gabrielle performances are very well done and they work perfectly and bounce off each other with their acting skills they also brought to life three of the best characters ever put on TV.Almost every episode is a winner for the series as each episode feature a interesting Voice over with Michael talking about life as a spy and how spies would do and use some ideas to their favor. The writing in each episode is very well crafted and you can never ever guess what would happened next as each episode makes you want more and turn it to see what will happen in the next episode. The comedy in Burn Notice is also original my two favorite quotes in the series come from Michael in the episode "Hot Spot" "Oh Somebody's in trouble but it ain't me" and from the first episode "Drop me in the middle of the Gobi Desert Bury me in a cave on the moon and somehow she find away to call me and ask me for a favor" Then he screams into a pillow. I mean the series just has something for everyone and you should give it a try with a creative story line, well crafted acting and performances from Jeffrey, Gabrielle and Bruce who work very well together this is one show to watch
    alyssarosek I am not a huge TV or series person but I fell in Love with this show. I did a marathon and watched it start to finish in a few days. I'm so sad to hear it's not going to return. It's entertainment. I've read some comments that it can give wrong ideas but it's entertainment and behind all the action and ENTERTAINMENT, they did an amazing job at selecting the characters, writing story lines, and showing real life emotions, issues, and feelings. If you just watch one show you may feel it's just an action show but if you really enjoy the entire series you get to bind w each character and what they go through which is very similar to real life issues. For all the bad examples for our younger toutg music, media, and other shows and avenues this show allows action but in the end great values. It depicts the bond of true friendship, love for the family, and all the small yet real life issues everyone goes through. I think this show was amazing! It could have been any mission but in the end the family, friendship, and integrity of good people is always portrayed. I am to the point with TV and all these reality shows and garbage on TV that it's almost not worth watching. In fact I usually just watch movies for this reason. But I did a marathon and watched it start to finish. I even cxl plans w friends to finish it. I really hope the network realizes that there are too many shows on TV now that are all moving towards garbage, reality shows that only show people despite how rich they are at their worst. And the sad part is they don't even seem to realize how pathetic they are for showing their lives to everyone and hiding behind their money and glamor when in reality who cares. It's not real entertainment, it's just more garbage and I know lots of people who move towards just getting movies now because TV stinks. Shows like this are rare! It always kept me interested and always wanting to know what happened next. I was a huge Hreys Anatomy fan, not anymore they just took out Patrick Dempsey. And I enjoyed House a lot but even that show after awhile has I believe fizzled out. This show could go on forever. Just like SVU, tgrt could write any mission, and as long as the main characters continue to be the center of truly good values and integrity despite the realistic struggle Michael had in working through emotional struggles yet making the right choice. Or his mother doing whatever it took to be a mother, and the loyalty and amazing friendship even when they brought Jesse on was unique. I'm not sure what they are truly like in person but I know the network and actors did an amazing job at entertaining their fans. Fiona, was beautiful, tough, and devoted. Michael, was what can I say, handsome, intelligent, and amazing. Sam and Jesse were the best friends any person could want and Michaels mom was the kind of moms we need more all over the world. Minus the obvious entertainment aspect from the extreme action but behind it all she like the rest always highlighted the importance on trying to do the right thing, always being there for each other, and doing it with the greatest integrity even when it was hard. I would beg the network and anyone involved to please bring the show back! I loved tge trilogy w Jdaon Bourne but to me this show was even better and tgrt could go on for years. To me who thought Grey's Anatomy and House were the only two shows I would watch is surprised to say that this show hands down best both of them. Please bring it back! If even for a few years or start writing movies for the same cast. Bring back his mom with a surprise escape or find a way to continue writing the show. I think the cast did such an amazing job at having such a huge impact on fans you could almost write any story line and people would still love it because of their character. They all were amazing individuals and even if it took a totally different turn on how or why they are together allowing Michael and Fiona to keep their promise away from the CIA people would still watch. I believe you could keep it going for years even with no COA plot line just how the group fights together for the better lives of other people. And focussing on raising Nates son. Let us fans know what we have to do to bring the show back:-) we love it!
    J-Ro This show, despite its breezy and ridiculous nature, is very fun to watch. It is driven mainly by absurd capers, a stellar and lovable cast, unforgettable characters, and the beautiful locale of its set, being shot wholly in Miami.Jeffrey Donovan is perfect as the black-listed CIA operative, dead set on unlocking the mystery behind his dismissal. Bruce Campbell is the big dopey, washed-out former Navy Seal, and a prolific side-kick to our lead. I couldn't imagine anyone pulling this role off better than Campbell. I could go on, but the entire cast is excellent and fit their roles very well.Recommended.