Murder, She Wrote
Murder, She Wrote
TV-14 | 30 September 1984 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
    Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
    Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
    Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
    ctyankee1 I have watched seasons 1 through 8 of Murder She Wrote series. I think there are 12 season. Angela Landsbury is the star and she is really talented. She plays Jessica Fletcher, JB Fletcher.Jessica Fletcher is a mystery writer in the series. She is a kind hearted, friendly and polite to everyone she meets. She really likes people in the stories. (I wish I had some of her characteristic.)She is great with facial expressions especially her eyes. She shifts her head in surprise or disappointment, non belief of a persons story, sadness and more. She does not have to say anything her expressions say it all. She always looks well dressed and beautiful. After watching so many of these episodes about 20 or more in each season it kind of like watching the same story. It seems like the writers want to make her a perfect, person with no flaws, smart and loving this is okay but constantly being re-enforced gets kind of boring.Some things I noticed, some repetitive:1. The first few season took place in Cabot Cove. Jessica does not drive and has friends drive her about. 2. She starts meeting different characters in Cabot Cove, nieces, nephews old friends. 3. Everyone she meets loves her. 4. Just about everyone she meets comments how they read all her books and that they have them. 5. She travels a lot to speak or visit and there is usually someone related to her in the earlier episodes. 6. She always meets someone at the airport she knows and many times it is a male friend that has known her for years who is infatuated with her. They compliment her take her out and tell her how wonderful she is. 7. She helps the police solve the crimes this is to be expected because she is a crime solver. She does put herself in physical danger by investigating on her own. 8. She has a lot of compassion for some of the criminals and their action which I do not like. 9. When the producer writes the scenes the actors usually over act. When they are angry they are more angry, when they are mad they are more mad and loud. It is like every actor is getting their own 15 minutes of fame. Some of them I don't think could even act. 10. There are a lot of older talented men and female actors in the stories that had their own series years ago. This is kind of nice. I forgot most of them till I saw them in the episodes.Sometimes the original characters like her friends the doctor and the sheriff in Cabot Cove are not seen for several episodes because of her traveling. Some episodes have her narrating the story while her friend Dennis Stanton tells her of a case he handled and then you just see the episode with Dennis solving a crime but his is funny and good as well. Another friend is MI5 secret agent who gets her in a lot of trouble.It is like similar scenes, different people, different cities and countries, different actors but very predictable accept for the murderer.Murder She Wrote reminds me of the writer of Charlie Chan. Everywhere Chan went he was well respected and well known. It is like the author wants you to love his character. In this series there is plenty of that.I do like the series though, there is no swearing, no nudity, and a good mystery.
    BigWhiskers Thanks to Netflix , I've been rediscovering Murder She Wrote and it still remains an entertaining show with Mrs Lansbury at her best as the murder mystery writer and sleuth who in about every episode gets in the middle of a murder and in the end does her best Sherlock Holmes to reconstruct the crime and solve it all in under an hour. Some of the episodes do lack decent acting even from the more well known guest stars who tend to overact as if trying to steal some of Lansburys thunder which she never relinquishes, this is her show after all. I was never a really big fan of the show but do like Angela Lansbury who manages to keep even the more boring episodes of the series watchable. One of my pet peeves though is when she goes out of town for one reason or another that they never actually shoot on location in the city or town she is supposed to be in - there will be exterior footage of the actual location thrown in but when the actors are on screen we all know it's some Hollywood back-lot or sound stage made up to look like a certain city street or other location including the interiors - and what's also a goof is some of the exterior footage of actual locations are associated with certain places she supposedly goes into like hotels.clubs or restaurants when the building shown is quite obviously not that type of place. Like in one episode she goes to a fictitious Jazz Club in New Orleans yet the exterior shot shown is of a hotel that I am quite familiar with - OK its a fictional show but still they could have tried to at least get that right sometimes. Overall a very enjoyable show with Mrs Lansbury always a pleasure to watch. I'm wondering if at 86yrs old she is still game to do another Murder She Wrote movie.
    buter1 I really enjoyed this show. It was nice to see an older woman taking on lots of crimes and solving them. The usual formula involves a young person beating up lots of people, this show completely flipped that around. It was very well written, and had great acting. Angela Lansbury really had the acting chops, and was almost too talented for TV. I'm glad she had such a great show to showcase her abilities, when many actresses are shunted aside once they hit 30 or so. I really miss watching it with my family, as it was a staple at our house. There really isn't anything on the air right now that compares.
    Ibuk I absolutely love this show. Angela Lansbury was great as Jessica Fletcher and made the show her own.The weird thing about this show is that Jessica Fletcher rarely had a love interest. She may not have had a love interest but she did have a lot of male companions who would regularly help her solve the murders, like for instance Seth Hazlet. She would be pondering about the murder and Seth would say something and suddenly everything would fit together and she would have the murderer. The show can be enjoyed by all but only if you see it as escapist fun that is not taxing on the brain. It shouldn't be seen as a realistic TV show, if viewers watch it expecting it to be realistic then they will be sorely disappointed. For instance to obtain evidence Jessica would break into offices, people who watch a lot of murder mysteries(like me) would know this evidence would be inadmissible in the court of law and the killer would get off scot free.The show ended in 96 but I normally catch it on reruns. Although I am a fan of the series but I still feel it should have ended after the 93 season. After the 93 season the plots became increasingly tired and predictable. In fact I thought the story lines became far more soapy, it became more about the characters and less about the murders.Out of all the murder mystery shows I watch I like this the most. It was fun to spot stars like Ceasar Romero (the Joker from the Batman T.V. series. Over the years most stars came on the show more than once but in different roles.