Cold Justice
Cold Justice
TV-14 | 03 September 2013 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    TinsHeadline Touches You
    Console best movie i've ever seen.
    SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
    Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
    eagleglobeandanchor-98852 If these two have actually done this work, they know damned well that a cold case is worked for months or years, not a week. To then take credit for whatever happens with the case rather than giving credit to the people that are actually assigned to work a case is really shameless. It reminds me of this idiot president, who cannot stop talking about himself.I pray that juries and voters will not start to think that you can work a cold case for a week and have it ready to present to a grand jury for consideration. It frequently takes a week to make photocopies.
    Zen Kelly Siegler is a very bad and dangerous person. She is the cause for innocent people put in jail. Her only concern is to win at all cost.This is real life we're talking about, the lives of real people is at stake. Its not a "show" for our entertainment. I really hope no one gets to experience the unfairness of the justice system.
    beren001 I enjoy this show best of all the many crime shows I watch. It's difficult to understand why they have had a couple of very poor reviews, but as I read those reviews I can see that the reviewers seemed upset by the strength and confidence of our female investigators. Maybe they have some problems with strong women - who knows? I know that I watch each show from start to finish with interest and enjoyment. It's great to see that not only the lady investigators but the local police and DA's who are so interested in pursuing justice for the victims and family members. I'm glad they don't drag us through every detail of their investigations but go over the highlights in a rational and illuminating manner.
    lordbarney I originally was looking forward to this show, as quite enjoy programmes like this. After watching one episode I will never watch again. These two seem to just spout drivel from start to finish. They decide on a course of action and then simply follow this and twist the evidence to fit their snap judgement. Both people seem incredibly arrogant. I understand that this is real life and that you cannot make light of what they are doing but these two really are not meant for television; and they really do like the sound of their own voices too much. Good luck to them and I hope they are successful; but this is not something for TV and I imagine that after a couple of series this initial viewership will drop off and it will be cancelled.