Goodnight Sweetheart
Goodnight Sweetheart
NR | 18 November 1993 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    TeenzTen An action-packed slog
    Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
    Leoni Haney Yes, absolutely, there is fun to be had, as well as many, many things to go boom, all amid an atmospheric urban jungle.
    Skyler Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
    moofyieman What a great plot about a very common man who stumbles upon a passage through time, back to 1940. Gary is played very sympathetic by Nicholas Lyndhurst. He does a good job in having two wives at the same time. Well.. sort of. Dervla Kirwan, who played Phoebe in the first three seasons is brilliant. Naive, sweet but getting stronger every episode. Elizabeth Carling who took over, just didn't fit in and didn't had the chemistry with Gary. Lucky for us viewers, Emma Amos who took over Yvonne at the same time, was a breath of fresh air and made the Yvonne part even better. Gary's pal Ron stayed with him for all episodes and is a key part in the series. Nerdy, autistic and a real bloke, he is the really funny bit.I have really enjoyed watching the series again after having seen it 20 years ago. If you binge watch all 58 episodes, you've traveled in time back and forth from the nineties to the forties and back again. And what a great ride it is.
    jane-31808 I was recently reading reviews about The Man In The High Castle and one reviewer, I truly hope sarcastically, said he would rather have spent the evening watching Goodnight Sweetheart. Thirty minutes later, having put down the brown paper bag I had been using to control my hyperventilation, I was inspired to do the Samaritans job for them. There is nothing good about this series. It's awful. Awful, awful, awful. I was unemployed, life without hope, no prospects, self esteem at an all time low when I stumbled upon this. The clouds lifted, rainbows lighting up my depression. Oh My God - someone got paid for this drivel. Four or five episodes later and I was fully re- energized. I guarantee you will not laugh out loud. The smile lines on your face might, just might, twitch once or twice however I'm guessing that stoic and deadpan will be the predominant expression. I'm not sure if I've fully expressed how much I detest this - the wooden acting, the insipid, well worn dialogue and the storyline that was surely written on the back of a packet of cigarettes.I guess you should find out for yourself, however if you find yourself laughing please have yourself neutered.
    MartynGryphon Wonderful Sitcom about an average 90's guy called Gary Sparrow,(Nicholas Lyndhurst), a TV repairman who has a wife, Yvonne (Michelle Holmes then Emma Amos), a starter home and a scouse best mate named Ron Wheatcroft, (Victor McGuire).Gary accidentally stumbles across a time portal that allows him to travel from the 1990's to the 1940's. It is here in Blitz-torn London that he meets Pheobe Bamford, (Dervla Kirwan then Elizabeth Carling) a beautiful but married East-End barmaid and her highly suspicious father.With Pheobe's Husband being far from home fighting gallantly for both King & Country and Gary's wife being 50 years in the future having her nails done, the two forge a close friendship that soon blossoms into romance.That, in a nutshell, is the entire plot of this funny sitcom which over 6 years and 6 seasons shows us some of the human race's most admirable traits such as adultery, bigamy, forgery, plagiarism, deception, cowardice and BAD BAD singing from Lyndhurst.Despite being our 'hero', Gary Sparrow is actually a bit of a Sh*t. he has no qualms about either cheating on his wife or seducing the wife of a brave 'Tommy' risking his life overseas, He's also quite happy to potentially ruin Britain's war time economy by spending forged British Bank notes he has had printed in the 1990's and finally, he has no courage or patience when faced with air raids, rations, queues and George Formby.He masquerades as both an MI5 agent and a successful songwriter who has written, (amongst other things), a musical based on George Bernard Shaw's Pigmallion called My Fair Lady and also, it seems, the entire Beatles back catalogue. and his espionage duties involve nothing more than buying a book in the 1990's that detail ALL the air raids that took place over London during the war years, so he knows in advance whether Hitler is going to prevent him from getting his leg over on any given evening.In fact given the contempt I feel for Gary Sparrow, I'm surprised I actually like this show at all, but the jokes are funny, Dervla Kirwan and Elizabeth Carling are both Gorgeous and we also get to see the best and worst that both era's had to offer.Christopher Ettridge plays the well meaning yet dim-witted war-time policeman Reginald Deadman who becomes Gary and Pheobe's only ally when they start 'stepping out' together.It is Ettridge's and McGuire's characters that are the most likable and it is watching these two characters, that give us the most enjoyment.Ron is Gary's 1990's confidant and the only person who knows about his excursions in the 4th dimension and helps him out by spinning the tall tales to Gary's wife Yvonne to explain his lengthy absences and as a printer by trade is also responsible for funding Gary's double life by printing off his 'white fiver's'.Like Gary, Yvonne Sparrow's character is also not very endearing she's cold, sarcastic and bossy and is more concerned with building a career than a stable homelife so you can sort of understand Gary's motivation when he meets the innocent and homely Phoebe. Yvonne's character is constructed in such a way that you're not supposed to feel an ounce of pity for her, if you did, then the show would have ceased to be funny and would not have lasted more than the one series.sadly after the 4th series the quality of the show began to wane and the final two seasons was an uneven mixture of very funny comedy and cringe inducing clichés, even the writers were beginning to struggle to present us with something original each intention over time to review each and every episode of this series on this website, but I thought that an overview would not go amiss.
    charmkat Great series worth watching, although for me I preferred the earlier episodes when Dervla Kirwin played Phoebe. The actress who played her in the later episodes was much harder - Phoebe was a tough little cockney girl, but there was still an appealing softness about her which was lacking after the changeover, whereas both actresses who played Yvonne were great. Nick Lyndhurst as Gary was brilliant, and loved his sidekick, Ron. The only thing I really felt towards the end was that the plot had grown somewhat exaggerated... probably hence my preference for the earlier series which were more convincing. But I have all of them on DVD and thoroughly enjoying revisting the series after originally seeing it on TV.
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