American Odyssey
American Odyssey
| 05 April 2015 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
    Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
    Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
    Jerrie It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
    poseidenx Well I have to say I am surprised by the negative reviews on this, I myself bought the whole season from Amazon and watched the whole lot in two days. I loved every minute of it, in fact I have not enjoyed a series as much as this for a long time. I understand that the plot could not ever be a long running series but I felt it had as least another season of storyline to tell, I am sorry to see it over. I strongly recommend you watch it.
    afortiorama The biggest problem of this show is that most of the characters are too trustworthy to the point of stupidity or just too plain stupid. In particular the activists who one could really nickname dumber&dumber, but also the corporate lawyer. Then again most people would probably behave the same. Said that I really liked all the part in Africa involving Odelle, the main character, the diversity of characters albeit some unbelievable, like the publicly transgender uncle, their relationships and the fact that they spoke a mixture of English, French and Arabic. I quite liked also the way it ends, though that was meant to be only a mid-season finale and not a series finale.
    jc-osms I waded through this 13-part US import which like so many of these latter-day mega-series, as opposed to mini-series, has to fill a lot of minutes and didn't really do so very successfully in my view.The connections between the various stories just never rang true, like US soldier Anna Friel's tortuous journey home where she somehow avoids serious harm at every turn, her motherly relationship with a young local boy, the straight-arrow clean-cut corporate accountant who uncovers and then seeks to make known the plot to silence Friel's story, his connection with of all people, the new female Greek Prime Minister, the geeky youngsters who also can scent the big cover-up and the female inside agent who inveigled herself into the hackers little gang of truth-tellers only to be revealed later as an assassin with a heart of pure that enough for you?Coincidence follows coincidence with succeeding regularity, the viewer meant to recognise the topicality of military actions in the war against ISIS / Al Quaeda, the black-ops of multi-million multinational companies which put dollars over lives, with enough clout to get a three-star general in their pocket, the timely tie-in of the Greek debt crisis and the treatment of Western hostages by insurgents.This was all just too much to believe and though I watched it all the way through, I never remotely believed any of it. The acting was no great shakes either, particularly the two teenage American children, who somehow talk like they're 10 going on 25. Anna Friel just doesn't convince as a multi-lingual, battle-hardened soldier and Peter Falconelli has no personality at all as the whistle-blower Peter Decker.There was some good cinematography, especially Friel's escape through the desert but in the main, I found the cross-cutting between one plot strand and another somewhat contrived and even confusing. The theme of big-business corruption, a complicit US armed forces and techy-nerds able to hack into the most secure official filing systems just piled on the clichés as did the turned-out-all-right ending although the mystifying final shots of Friel re-entering the country under a newspaper reporter's name were obviously inserted as a teaser for a hoped-for second series that didn't materialise.Which I think is about right. With its army of strange and unusual characters (I haven't even mentioned yet the Muslim transvestite TV personality, the hulking, can't-be-killed paid mercenary and the homosexual uber-geek with his housebound mother), for me it just never gelled, never felt remotely real plus the addition of the word "American" to the title by the producers just smacks of desperation, trying to capture the homeland patriot audience. This is one 12 hour tour-of-duty it's really not worth soldiering all the way through.
    geoff_turner Critics have attacked this, but I found it just as credible as Homeland. We all know how deeply US corporations have been involved in war in Iraq, providing private security, and helping generate the misery that we see in the Middle East today. The bullying of Greece over its debt was also a nice realistic touch. OK, it is just a fictional story, but it is as credible as Homeland, which in later series became rather tedious and dragged out. It was also just as far fetched. The idea that the US would take any form of action against their ally Pakistan was utterly incredible. They allow this terrorist sponsoring state to have nuclear weapons without batting an eyelid, while threatening Iran. They need states such as Pakistan and Saudi Arabia as allies, even if they are the most extreme Islamic states in the world. As entertainment, I felt it kept the pace up well right until the last episode. Pity it has been dropped now, but I guess follow up series often tend to get weaker and weaker (except Breaking Bad, of course!).
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