Earth: Final Conflict
Earth: Final Conflict
| 06 October 1997 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
    GazerRise Fantastic!
    Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
    Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
    Fredrick Jackson I was fortunate to have not watched this show when it was on television. I just discovered it on You Tube this past week. Being a huge SYFY and Gene Roddenberry Fan I have watched most of the first two seasons. The first season was interesting, but not very good. The show centered around a main character, William Boone (Kevin Kilner), who they lost in the second season. He did an excellent job of keeping the first season interesting, but still not good. The second season, which I am working on now is just a disaster. It is obvious that Gene, despite creating this, had nothing to do with writing it. This scripts are really, really bad. There is very little science fiction in any of it. Adding a space ship to a soap opera isn't really science fiction. In my summary I said that I was amazed that this show was allowed to continue for so long. This mess of a show was allowed to go 5 seasons and 110 episodes. Shows now days are lucky to get 2 or three seasons of 10 to 12 episodes. It seems as though 20 years ago, people were more tolerant of junk on TV. I am not recommending that you don't watch it, I am only telling you how I felt about it. Try it and see what you think. Like I said I found it on You Tube.
    Phillip Moss I remember watching this show when it originally aired and thinking that it was great. Its time slot was inconvenient and I didn't use the VCR to record it. I went back in the last year and watched it from start to finish. It starts out great. The first few season kept enough good/interesting writing to fend off some the bad acting. Kind of like how Babylon 5 used great storytelling to overcome some supporting actor performances and very low budget. This show reminds me of how awesome the mind of people like Gene Rodenberry could be. The caveat is the last two seasons. It basically goes from cool and engaging (ie Boba Fett) to many WTF moments. Just like with Jar Jar I can't imagine anyone sitting in a writers room saying, "that sounds like a great idea! Gungans." (There are no Gungans in Earth FInal Conflict). Leni Parker did a great job and helped the show out a ton. Its certainly worth a look at the first few seasons and if you're like me then it means watching the whole thing.
    lordsantaenglish-55198 This series does exactly what Star Trek managed not to: Goes downhill fast. It starts off with aliens making contact with us, they're partially (well, mostly) energy beings, and they look awesome, they act all nice and all, they say they come in peace, and they give us a ton of technology to help overhaul the earth's problems. And then the other shoe drops. As the series progresses, more and more, they gradually become the evil aliens visiting earth under the guise of being good guys, they become a freaking TV trope. They perform horrific genetic experimentation on people, they execute people, at one point, there's this asshole, Zo'or, he's so mad about the theft of some stupid thing of theirs that he asks Sandoval (who, as far as he knows, is fiercely loyal to the aliens), where he comes from, when he tells him, he uses the Mothership weapons to wipe his birthplace out completely. And I WISH this was the worst atrocity they commit. Oh, but then some new BS pops up about Jaridians, another alien race they're at war with, and that's why they really came to earth. And then it's revealed that the Jaridians and the Taelons were once the same race or some BS, and went along split evolutions, and need to merge to fix it before they both die, blah blah blah. This, of course, means the humans take the brunt of the conflict, as the experimentation gets even worse. Oh did I mention they keep killing Boone? They killed him like twice in this series. The second time, they didn't even fully explain how he was reconstituted in the first place. Anyway, it gets worse and worse, and then just when you think it can't possibly go downhill even more, the Taelons and Jaridians both go essentially extinct and are removed from the show. Only to be replaced by Atavus, which are basically energy vampires or something. Also, several episodes were out of order in the DVD. The one guy who was slightly interesting, the chimera, lost his alien part in some stupid episode that made no sense whatsoever and thus lost everything interesting about himself.I watched it until the very end, and was severely disappointed. I expected some miracle to bring back the Taelons and Jaridians and allow them to live and go away, but instead, they just took the energy vampires away, who I couldn't have cared less about.FIVE stars out of TEN, ten for it being good, zero for what it became. So it evens out to five.
    Amadio I love sci-fi and am willing to put up with a lot. Sci-fi movies/TV are usually underfunded, under-appreciated and misunderstood. I tried to like this, I really did, but it is to good TV sci-fi as Babylon 5 is to Star Trek (the original). Silly prosthetics, cheap cardboard sets, stilted dialogues, CG that doesn't match the background, and painfully one-dimensional characters cannot be overcome with a 'sci-fi' setting. (I'm sure there are those of you out there who think Babylon 5 is good sci-fi TV. It's not. It's clichéd and uninspiring.) While US viewers might like emotion and character development, sci-fi is a genre that does not take itself seriously (cf. Star Trek). It may treat important issues, yet not as a serious philosophy. It's really difficult to care about the characters here as they are not simply foolish, just missing a spark of life. Their actions and reactions are wooden and predictable, often painful to watch. The makers of Earth KNOW it's rubbish as they have to always say "Gene Roddenberry's Earth..." otherwise people would not continue watching. Roddenberry's ashes must be turning in their orbit as this dull, cheap, poorly edited (watching it without advert breaks really brings this home) trudging Trabant of a show lumbers into space. Spoiler. So, kill off a main character. And then bring him back as another actor. Jeeez! Dallas all over again.