Earth: Final Conflict
Earth: Final Conflict
| 06 October 1997 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
    GazerRise Fantastic!
    BroadcastChic Excellent, a Must See
    Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
    dapaxton OK binge watch this one. I spotted this one on prime and thought i forgot some stuff but now know why I stopped watching it. Joke. Walk into an alien presence and then see how humans react. All sides. Then hire in some writers and soap opera actors to fill the bill. Swear. By season three end he walks into a scene and is trying to do a captain Kirk first season. Seriously face acting and staring away from all in the room. Just the start. He had DNA from the psychopath that is killing, maiming, erasing people all along. It must be for some plan you can condone terrorism for the common good. So thus you should protect a basic beyond poll pot figure? Why not as you have some common DNA. Then watch thousands if not more go away because you need to have the next episodes drama. Seriously, what were they thinking and who sold it? This was all filmed up in BC by the same basic group that did the X files and star gate by the props and extras. All of these type of low IQ space alien shows fuel the idea that they intergalactic world is an ant farm. Still a joke. Water? Before you come in look at the ORT cloud. Need liquid water? Use the energy you have on board to melt that ice. Oh we have space aliens in the past that need gold for the atmosphere to save the planet. Shoot. They are so stupid they went right by a full asteroid belt with more metals than we can find outright in just one. So what we got on this one is the idea that these aliens need to use us to figure out how to make their lives go on. Obvious to an intergalactic race that does not die naturally is to walk up to an ant farm and start kicking it so you mimic a soap opera and see how it reacts. By all means that is right on the IQ level. We have seen so many of these stupid hack scfi shows for such a long time it is becoming tiresome. Twenty years later and we can count all the people involved and the people who paid for it. Seriously even the last I-Robot show did nto come even close to that short story or how the follow along could have went. Kinda like a requiem to automation. Get me. Dave
    dean-711-483101 My apology for not voting as it seems superfluous to do so. I am an avid Sci-Fi enthusiast with quite the history in viewing television series with such repetition I dare not divulge. I decided to watch "Earth: The Final Conflict" series from start to finish for the first time after avoiding it for years. Not exposing myself to any reviews or even trailers allowed the experience to be fresh and without influence. After just one episode the hook was set and my apatite grew as I continued. Taking in two a day was easy. I found myself excited about how this first season could cliff-hang my interest to watch perhaps the first two episodes of season 2 immediately following the close of season 1 with "The Joining".To put it simply; my excitement deflated as I watched a promising Sci-Fi series that could have shared the shelf of popularity with even Star Trek and Stargate crash and burn in such a way that I had to re-watch all five Star Trek series, Stargate SG-1, Atlantis and Universe AND all the relevant movies just to get the taste of what was done to the Earth series out of my eyes and ears! To be fair, "Earth: The Final Conflict" consists only of ONE season with 20 episodes. Perhaps with only those first 20 episodes it can be held up with great mini-series as "Firefly" or "Caprica".And so I do apologize to the Sci-Fi community that is currently starving for new material to explode on the scene or at least appear from somewhere. I apologize to those who have not yet seen this series and come across it while desperately seeking out worth-while Sci-Fi to satisfy the craving we are all suffering these days. I apologize to those who have seen it in part (past the first 20) or completely and feeling that this is what Sci-Fi has to offer. Please forgive this sad expression of brainless writing and executive deciding where the viewers are treated as rocks in a quarry that need breaking. May the creative minds that once inhabited the airwaves of Sci-Fi past be granted a resurrection for sanity sake!If you have not yet viewed any of this series, please do so for the first 20 and then allow your imagination to take it from there! Warning! If you even read in passing what was written post the first twenty after viewing them, then your imagination may experience the blue screen of death! Please be advised. Rebooting may only corrupt the Master-Boot-Record of your senses once this is achieved. Intravenously feeding yourself 100's of hours of your favorite Sci-Fi is indicated at this point! Or else you could hire the cast of MST3K to explain it all. Just as one would slam their finger in a car door to offset a snake bite!
    CompuLOL Nor do they got what it was really about. &BTW, sorry about the spoilers; it's not that much a deal. It's just that I couldn't find a better way of describing it without resorting to some telling; sadly. Know also from the start that the show was almost ruined by it's fifth season; underrated otherwise, nevertheless. So don't judge it too harsh solely on that account.I don't know if the creators of the show had in mind to convey what I interpreted; but to me, the show was a clear metaphor of the dualistic human existence; male/female, love/hate, peace/war, animal/spirit, etc. And how only unifying those elements we could not only become whole again, but also stop our ever mongering self destruction spiral. EtFC was slow paced; but it was OK, since it only had one main theme to start with. A singular alien race known as the Taelons suddenly lands on Earth claiming peace, goodwill and all that hoopla; and the protagonists set forth to find out it's true intentions for being here. After all; just because something seems benevolent, doesn't mean it really is. And of course; there's certainly a catch. As it's later revealed they need our help in surviving; since they're been having a war with another species, know as the Jaridians. The latter have been winning the war lately, as they are more violent and have larger troops than the taelons; due to their higher sex drive. They lack however, the tech sophistication of the taelons; which are more intelligent; and also their higher lifespan. If it seems too convenient that their advantages and weakness compensate so diametrically well; it's because by it's fateful design. You see, it turns out that a long time ago both used to be the same race. They "evolved" to what are today by branching out of the same org species. Lit; I mean, they split themselves like unicellular organisms. Only at a higher energy level state that somehow manifested in the physical plane; or viceversa, doesn't really matter. But unsurprisingly, it turns out now; they're not actually evolving, but devolving. Lifespan for the jars is so low, they're starting to die in the womb. And taes have such low birthrates to death ratio, that they're virtually extinct. So the obv & logical "solution" is to return to the org race that started it all right away; as it was meant to be. Of course, that would've make a pretty short and boring show; since it'd take out all the conflict from the title. I assume you're clever enough to remember what I stated earlier on and put all what together now. Still, the question remains; why do they still need us?The only other things left to mention about the show then are that acting was also OK; and so the chars, plot and dev. Prod values were high for the time, as were the special effects. Inconsistencies could always be attributed to the alien nature of the show; to a reasonable degree. Not all seasons kept the same consistency level though, but it still managed to be a good show overall. Season one being the best; with all the mystery. Followed by 2 to 4; which were more action driven, explanatory, and had more twists. And then, there was the unnecessary dreaded last season; where it all collapsed and went down the drain with the introduction of a newer race. Since by then it had completely lost sight of it's intended purpose, and was a pathetic attempt of saving itself by lousy reinvention; that was a clear jumping the shark moment. I org even thought it was just an intentionally filler arc and that they'd eventually return to the main story line; but it turned out they never did, and actually ended it right there. I'd been better to actually never air anything of it, and leave an open ending at the one before; since we felt so raped by it on their behalf. And yes; it's that bad. Gene should've left not only a person in charge; anticipating his own passing, like a will; but some manuscripts as well, to avoid twisting in his grave right now...
    TheEmulator23 This is quite the mediocre show. Now I have never seen the supposedly only good season which was Season 1. We here in the states only have seasons 3&4 (I'm not sure if 5 is) on DVD. I realize this probably had a minuscule budget, but even then so many of the stories not only don't make sense they are absolutely terribly written! I don't think Gene Rodenberry (for all those that don't know him he is the creator of "Star Trek") would have had this show in mind when he created it. I imagine this never would have been made if it didn't have Rodenberry's name attached to it. So many of the effects are so bad it's almost painful. "Star Trek: TNG" which had begun in '87, even those effects were better than these. Now as much as I'm ripping on this show there are a few decent episodes and stories. The budget must have been the biggest issue though, because many/most of the series regular actors are really not in the least bit good. The guy w/the scrill on his arm is really bad. He is almost completely dead/emotionless when he is saying his lines. I don't know if English is his second language or if he is purposefully acting like that, but for whatever the reason he is probably the worst. Not only that on the couple eps I did see of the 1st & 2nd season, they got rid of the main actor (never to return, don't know why never got that far) and the woman that played Lily was pretty good, although she did return, an Oscar winning actor couldn't have made the dialog come out any better than what she did. If anything you miss the distinct Rodenberry effect that showed up on all his previous things, hell even "Andromeda" seems almost Oscar winning compared to this. But if you want to get involved in another universe of some sort, there are a lot better than this, but there are a lot worse. What surprises me the most is that somehow this show made 5 years! I remember it very vaguely being on many years ago (it was on really late at night or something on the weekends blocked with "Farscape" now that was the way a good Sci-Fi should be done) but I don't know who watched it here in the States. Maybe it was big somewhere else in the world, just as "Stargate SG-1" I don't know.