The New Adventures of Robin Hood
The New Adventures of Robin Hood
TV-PG | 13 January 1997 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
    Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
    Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
    Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
    milame30 It is a pity to me of all of you! You look this wild delirium and name the legend of Robin Hood, and, maybe, for you it is Robin, but you have severely and ridiculously deceived! Unique Robin Hood is a British serial of the eightieth years, in a leading role Michael Praed. That we see in new adventures - very very bad. I do not speak about historical reliability, it simply is not present, I speak about soul, how it looks, about suits, about the script. What relation Mongols to England have 12 centuries? Besides the majority of subject courses are simply stolen at the British serial which I have mentioned earlier. I looked New adventures. The only thing, that was pleasant to me - music! Porretta is good in role Scarlet in the comedy of Bruks , but he cannot be Robin in any way!I understand, that there are fans which simply love the actor, and everything, that he makes. But this love too should be adequate! New adventures is very bad film!
    thornedbud The New Adventures of Robin Hood, known to the fans simply as NAoRH, is lack of publicity. To enjoy this show you need to at least like the legend of Robin Hood. After that you need to have an imagination, this is a fantasy show with a almost none existent budget. The special affects were literally cardboard cut-outs and tricks such as putting a sword to your side to make it look as if it went through you. If you have an imagination you can see past that and enjoy. One particular aspect of the show that made it so short lived was replacing Robin Hood. The original and by many considered the best Robin Hood after Errol Flynn was Matthew Porretta. He looked the part, and pulled off the terrible one liners in the scripts so that you HAD to like them. It also didn't hurt that he is gorgeous, has one hell of a voice and the most adorable smile in history. When he said he was Robin Hood you didn't feel the need to question it, you just believed. He was one of the few involved in the show that had talent, then they replace him with John Bradley, whose claim to fame is a bit part in Independence Day. He actually did that part well, but he made Robin Hood looked like a continually drunk, out of place and generally ignorant oaf. That change was very bad, where as the change in Marions was not quite so crushing. Their acting abilities were similar and they both portrayed the lady warrior as well as could be expected. Though it may be difficult to except a female fighter in the twelfth century, as woman I have to admit I enjoyed seeing a Marion that wasn't screaming and wringing her hands. The stories were interesting, but could have been done considerably better with a larger budget. They were good in the first two seasons then got so bad and half were stolen in the third season I got headaches. The first and second seasons are worth your time, but don't bother with the third unless your a John Bradley fan. As a huge fan of the Robin Hood legend, with a wild imagination and a woman with eyes I fell in love with the first two seasons of NAoRH.
    shirly-scheerhoorn NAoRH is about the best Robin Hood story of them all. I'll keep on watching it.The first actor that played Robin Hood was a lot better than the second one. The second actress to play Marian was better than the first, this because with her the fights look real.With the first actress it looked like the enemy fell down by themselves and not by her punches or things like that.
    jadzia92 I just saw the episode Body and Soul. It is a take on Heaven Can Wait. The episode is not great entertainment but it is a good time passer. Unlike the Warren Beatty film, Robin Hood does get his body back in the end. The episode answers the question, "What happens if you are in the body of your killer." I think this episode could have been improved but it not a bad episode.