Upstairs, Downstairs
Upstairs, Downstairs
TV-PG | 10 October 1971 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
    Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
    Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
    Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
    marktayloruk Only reason for 9 rating the last series-they should have aged other characters as well as James.I also think they should probably have stayed in the Edwardian era but that's another matter. Otherwise-finest drama series ever made by ITV. I'd last to have had sixth series-say the fifth including Hudson dying of a sudden heart attack,Georgina marrying earlier and maybe having an affair with the Prince of Wales, William and Alice growing up-say William expelled from Eton for the usual reason and taken up by James, end series with death of Richard.Sixth series occupying thirties with James Lord Bellamy-end with his being killed and house destroyed in BVlitz.
    Maria Trim A friend of mine said you should watch Upstairs Downstairs I missed in 1971 living abroad. I was able to buy a full copy. First off i have to say that the first series is a bit confusing as it is in black and white for 6 episodes (due to a strike at the time with the broadcasting company), and one of the main characters leave the house at the end of episode 1, and is seen again episode 2, as though nothing happened, so i had to google again to find out why. Sarah played brilliantly by Pauline Collins. This was a continuation issue as the series was sold to the USA, so it was changed slightly to accommodate continuity or something. Anyway it didn't spoil it for me, once i knew what was happening. Each episode you get to meet more characters and their 'ways'. I loved Lady Marjorie, and Richard Bellamy not sure at the time about their spoilt kids. Downstairs wow I felt there was more snobbery going on down there then up them stairs. Hudson well played superbly and just like I would expect a good butler to be, Mrs Bridges I adored, and Rose. Ruby poor little ruby, who I felt so sorry for. Sarah introduced who was a bit of a larf and made everyone happy but she was a really sad person behind the mask. Rose down trodden Rose who would just do everything for anyone, and made a rod for her own back, i could have shook her a few times was so happy when she found someone and fell in love finally but...... I found the story lines at times quite risqué. We had a terrible suicides which made me cry, also the writer introduced a homosexuality scene, and even though this was in earlier episodes, one of the characters was very cleverly bought back and shown how even in the twenties young men were coerced to be sex slaves. Then the perfect Lady Marjorie and adultery, i didn't see that one coming nor did i see her leaving the show. (I read since she told one of the actors she had made a mistake and should have stayed). Elizabeth crazy bored spoilt child who tried to make amends in her life, and sadly she left the series, i was gutted, as i could feel a lot more could have been done with her character. James again another spoilt brat who thought it was OK to toy with the emotions of the staff but came good when he married his fathers secretary Hazel who i adored i think she played a really good part in the series. Over the series the characters started to develop and i become more embroiled in it, and the stories more interesting. I did find the first episode a bit like I was sitting on a fence, should i carry on or not, but i am glad i did, as from 2 - 5 it became one of the best i have seen. I wont go into it too much, suffice to say, each character was played brilliantly, the writing was superb, the war years and the zeppelins, well i didn't realise they did bombing raids, so learnt something new New characters introduced Edward who came back from the war shell shocked, he married Daisy a new housemaid, i loved their relationship. Georgina the orphaned member of the family who was a tearaway but played superbly and believably by Leslie Anne-Down, had nothing to do, just parties, but came good in the war, but afterwards her subsequent behaviour was to be the end of someone. I cried over James, sad though that some of the characters kept disappearing for episodes, we seemed to miss a lot of their lives etc. I loved the episode in Scotland with Hudson and the keeper of the salmon naughty Hudson. I did find a lot of racism in the show which was highlighted and Hudson was one of the worse for it. Mrs Bridges i could have cheerfully hit when she bullied and belittled Ruby. I actually went off her character to be honest. BUT she redeemed herself over Hudson when he got sick. The writer finished the series really well. I do think though we could have had a bit more of Thomas and Sarah, even if we were just given an insight into their life alongside. I did love Richards new wife, Virginia who looked remarkably like Marjorie and the two children, again who suddenly just disappeared. Maybe when you see it weekly you don't notice but when you binge watch you can see all the missing people who are there one minute and gone the next. I was very sad when i finally watched the last ever episode but it was written really well.
    timcurryis god Brainchild of actress Jean Marsh, who plays the house parlor maid, Rose Buck. Gordon Jackson is remarkable as Mr. Hudson, the butler. Set in Edwardian England, much of the story is told from the servant's POV, which makes this series unique imo. The series doesn't shy away from issues of class and sexism. You get to see the changes in this period of history; the manners, fashion, and decor... from horse-drawn carriages to "motor cars," from gas lights to electricity, from bells to buzzers, etc. And the events leading up to and surrounding WWI. Some people call it a "soap opera," but it's so much more, really. This early series eclipses the newer remake imo, and also much of the first few episodes of Downton Abbey are practically lifted whole cloth from this original series. When it began, Upstairs Downstairs was on a tight budget, and while it lacks the lavish production of Downton Abbey, it surpasses DA in substance and accuracy. I find the servants far more interesting than the bourgie or aristocracy. I love the way the meticulous labor of the servants is addressed, and how the daughter, Elizabeth rebels against the status quo and challenges social mores, albeit from her privileged position and in sometimes misguided fashion. This show is brilliant.
    TheLittleSongbird I love a good period drama, and Upstairs, Downstairs is that and more. Everything about it is wonderful, and it is also very classy and a delight to watch. The series looks sumptuous; the photography is marvellous while the locations, scenery and costumes are a delight to the eyes. The music is beautifully composed, the pace is warm and lively without being too rushed or draggy and the direction is always controlled. There is also the fabulous writing, the engrossing stories and the rich characters and their development. And the acting is great across the board, I personally do not think there is a weak link in the cast. All in all, this is a wonderful series and worth looking out for. 10/10 Bethany Cox