The Crazy Ones
The Crazy Ones
TV-14 | 26 September 2013 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
    Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
    Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
    Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
    JDouglasJ_1 I really like some of the movies that Robin Williams has done in the past and I was looking forward to this series with great anticipation. I actually hoped it would entertain me for 20 minutes on Thursday nights. However, I've been tricked and deceived by the hype and commercials and left disgusted. The show is not funny. The plots are horrible. The actors are sub-par. The scripts are typical liberal, homosexual, leftist Hollywood propaganda making a feeble attempt at changing our minds about morals by laughing at them. This has never been my idea of comedy, having been raised on black and white TV sitcoms of the 50's and 60's until the "rural purging" took place and ruined nighttime television forever. I have seen better comedy get canceled faster than this show, so the powers that be really like this venue. Tonights show of November 14, 2013 lasted about 5 minutes on my TV before I turned it off and wrote this diatribe. My hope is that this awful excuse for quality will flush down the nearest toilet and be gone soon. When will Hollywood get the idea that this doesn't work, it stinks.
    jonas-ua This is a great and funny show and a true tour the force by robin Williams, but also a strong showing from Sarah Michelle Gellar as well as Hamish Linklater. I see it as a series that may take over from such comedies as HIMYM. This is a series where Robin Williams returns to his comedy to the likes of Patch Adams and flubber. Sarah Michelle gellar proves that she does have some comedy chops even with many really bad movies behind her. Maybe this will be her triumphant return to the spotlight since Buffy. Hamish Linklater should only take such roles as this as he is a perfect fit for them. All in all it just works, and That is why it'll probably get cancelled, because the funniest shows usually do. Watch this if you liked better of Ted, as it may go the same way.
    David Hauser I registered just to write this review because I think this series is highly under-appreciated. Robin Williams is simply brilliant. He always has a slightly tragic ring to his acting but this is what makes it great. If you like him you will like The Crazy Ones for sure. It's a light- footed heartwarming comedy that makes me smile and sometimes laugh for 20 minutes every week. It makes my week a brighter and happier one. The supporting actors vary between OK and pretty awesome. Sometimes I get the feeling some of them are only there to support Williams and Gellar and their jokes but some of them really are funny beyond that. Especially in episode 2 I had a good laugh when watching the whole duck business. My recommendation: Watch it!
    Syl Comic legend Robin Williams has returned to network television in this unlikely sitcom. In this comedy, he plays head of a Chicago advertising agency and his daughter played by Sarah Michelle Gellar. Hamish Linklater plays Andrew Kenneally, one of the associates. Gellar isn't slaying vampires but she has to play the straight daughter role to Robin Williams' antics and comedic performance. Williams always seems to be performing and naturally like on stage. Hamish Linklater is handsome, wonderful, and memorable in his role and I loved him as Christine's younger brother on "The New Adventures of Old Christine." The show still has some things to work on like continuity and character development. Still with Robin Williams, it's hard to see him do wrong. Here, Williams' character is very much the respected veteran and the cast and crew all appear to be in good spirits and having a ball. Welcome back to television, Robin Williams, it's been a long time since your Mork and Mindy days but we'll be happy with you in any role especially comedy that is your gift.