TV-MA | 25 September 2012 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    TinsHeadline Touches You
    PodBill Just what I expected
    Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
    Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
    Grace I have been watching the show Cuckoo for awhile now, and I absolutely adored it. A crazy narrative of a new-age "healer" (Cuckoo) returning home "married" to the daughter (Rachel) of an esteemed family and grappling to navigate his role in this modern society, his decision to open a "jacket potato van" to spread his wisdom, the never-ending attempt of Cuckoo to impress Rachel's stern father, the wild family dynamics...the show represented a classic British television experience, and I found myself laughing, rolling my eyes, and rejoicing for Cuckoo and Rachel. Unfortunately, this all changed at the end of season two when (SPOILER) Lorna, the mother of Rachel finds out that she is pregnant after she thought that her husband had a vasectomy. In fact, he did not have the surgery until 2 months after he indicated to his wife. While the show makes light of the situation, I am disgusted and would argue that this makes light of rape. Lorna did not consent to unprotected sex, and that is rape. I am sure that the intent of the filmmakers was to continue the hilarity and ridiculousness of the show by Lorna's reaction of rejoicing that she is not the virgin Mary, and I respect that intent, but a lack of consent present in the situation does not depict a healthy sexual relationship to viewers. This unfortunately echos a rape joke made earlier in the show during the first season where the word "rape" is used in casual conversation as a metaphor. There has to be a point where the line is drawn in humor and I am very disappointed that this show has ruined a hilarious and unique comedy with the trivialization of rape.
    evronfountain This show is severely underrated. Not many shows get me to truly laugh out loud, but this one takes the cake. Most people don't give it the credit the show deserves because it is based in England where most people can't relate to the culture out there, but it still captures the attention of comedy lovers who truly understand comedy. The cast is phenomenal. For being a UK series, it deserves 10 out of 10 stars. Taylor Lautner in season 2 really shows his true acting ability. Cuckoo truly deserves to be broadcast in America because the show genuinely has great writers and the plot is really good. If you are a fan of good comedy, I highly recommend Cuckoo.
    benedwards848 One of my all-time favourite comedies, Cuckoo makes you watch it with a smile on your face, at times makes you laugh uncontrollably but also creates real connections with the characters. Some of the lines are simply priceless, and still make me laugh days after the episode. Series one takes a couple of episodes to get going, but by the third of the series, the characters have all bedded in well and it reaches its potential. I would urge anyone who is unsure after watching one or two episodes to persevere.The second series is arguably even better than the first, with 'Tribunal' in particular one of the funniest episodes of anything I have ever seen. What makes this comedy great is the characters, who all complement each other perfectly. Greg Davies' performance as Ken is a highlight, and Adam Samberg and Taylor Lautner play their wacky, new age characters to perfection and without stealing too much attention, despite their fame.In conclusion, I could not recommend Cuckoo high enough, and would urge anyone to watch it.10/10
    dawn-78 Born British and living in the USA, I usually appreciate keeping my cultures separate. However in this case a bit of co-mingling of USA and British comedy works really well.The premise of a really "good" daughter jaunting off with friends and on a whim marrying this man who is so different from her, actually makes sense and of course a great basis for a British Comedy.Greg Davies is brilliant as the bewildered father who week after week cannot fathom what has happened in his household overnight.Andy Samberg is so meant for the role of the hippie, pot smoking, free loving, non-working husband of the "good" daughter.You have to watch all of the episodes as the relationship between father and son-in-law changes and grows, because that's what this series is really about.I loved this and cannot wait for the second series which I heard will air in 2013. Maybe Andy will be able to balance filming Brooklyn Nine-Nine in the USA with a hop back over the pond to continue his evolving relationship with Greg Davies!