In Treatment
In Treatment
TV-MA | 28 January 2008 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
    Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
    Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
    Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
    dead man walking (burtmichael) I missed this one back when it came out but am glad I am able to watch the three seasons available on HBO On Demand. I love Gabriel Byrne, and Diane Wiest was the best. Some reviewers did not care for Byrne's character, but I see Paul Weston as just another flawed human being like his patients which is realistic. I don't think you're supposed to like everything about him, especially since his patients' problems and tantrums bring out his worst parts. I think these negative reviewers must have some very unrealistic expectations of a therapist character.In response to those who take a dim view of psychotherapy (I do), the show does question throughout the efficacy of the "talking cure" through the prisms of Paul's perspective and the eyes of his patients. He even gets sued by Alex's father who believes Paul and his services are completely responsible for his son's death and lawyers up to prove his point and take his revenge. Paul himself seriously doubts whether he has really helped his patients and analyzes these feelings in his own therapy with Gina.Dianne Wiest is better in this series than she has ever been in her long acting career. She no longer portrays the winsome doormat that she has generally portrayed in past roles. I am glad this series gave her an opportunity to show what she's really capable of as an actress. In Treatment isn't everyone's cup of tea, I don't think. The intensity alone makes the series difficult to binge-watch in the traditional sense. I constantly have to take a break from these sessions and characters.. These characters are not people who are any more disturbed than any other "normal" people. I believe nearly everyone of us eventually comes to a point where his or her circumstances and the consequences of dysfunctional, immature behavior render us helpless and ineffective, forcing us to suffer through emotional crises and the need to mature and modify our game. Sometimes that requires the need to engage in therapy to at least weather the crises.Like therapy itself, I don't think this series is to be "enjoyed" like standard, mindless entertainment. The writing seems intended to provoke similar questions in the viewer about his own life and behavior. That's rarely an enjoyable experience. Perhaps the negative reviewers are reacting to their nest being disturbed by the troubling questions brought up by this series.
    patlightfoot The Script and actors are brilliant. I could identify with the some of the situations and I just felt I was living the therapy sessions. Or actually psycho treating the patients myself. But some of the patients, Laura particularly were using Paul for their own hidden agendas, and how he kept his patience I do not know but he did.My only criticism is the death of Alex, who was an over achiever for sure, and I have met military pilots like him who are talented people in their own right. He had had a heart attack while over stretching himself running 22 miles/kms. Brought back to life after 48 hours? Then on a dive following a trainee pilot, crashed his plane. The G force he could have suffered would have made him black out after only a few months after the heart attack. Maybe his body was incinerated beyond further medical examination, but the law suit blaming Paul to me was on shaky ground. Paul was not in a professional position to say whether he was OK to return to flying. That's the Navy doctors and psychiatrists job, and they do check. I doubt if after a heart attack, the Navy would have allowed him back on active service again, despite his return to the scene. If they drop bombs they know there will be casualties, and collateral damage. So that to me (that Paul was exploring) regarding guilt was not the cause of a suicide attempt. It's their job to kill people, and the situation in Iraq was hazardous, I doubt if the Navy would have allowed one of the principal pilots to return to the scene of destruction after the pic of him was displayed on the Internet! I just felt that episode was examining the Iraq war and the death of children and civilians. And more importantly the affect or substance of the men in military service who are responsible. That's war.
    ween-3 Guess that season one of "In Treatment" was just an appetizer because season 2 is really hauling out the entrees in a big way. This is Theater with a capital "T". Thoroughly dependent on writing and character development, "Treatment" is delivering the goods week after week. We've already come to expect this performance level from Gabriel Byrne, Hope Davis, Dianne Wiest and John Mahoney but, like the Who said, "The Kids Are Alright". Aaron Shaw and the brilliant Alison Pill are really lighting up the screen this year. HBO has managed to score once again. Almost obviates the need for Broadway (and B'way ticket prices) when you can get this kind of thoughtful writing and acting in the comfort of your own living room.
    Matias Proietti I don't know why, but everyone who comments on this show feels a need to outline each of the characters, with a short "bio" and some personal remarks.What's curious about this is that the show's uniqueness comes from Gabriel Byrne's performance, and the subtle variations in his dealing with each patient. Their problems and dilemmas are somewhat secondary to his attempts to address them, which, ironically, is only possible because the other actors are absolutely brilliant.All that said, Sophie is fascinating, not only from the character/plot/script standpoint, but from the unbelievable performance by Mia Wasikowska. She was the only one in the show I had never heard of or seen anywhere else, and for this kind of incredible performance to spring out of nowhere, it's clear she's sold her soul to the devil, and truly gotten her money's worth. Looking forward to seeing her in everything else she does.
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