In Treatment
In Treatment
TV-MA | 28 January 2008 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
    Aedonerre I gave this film a 9 out of 10, because it was exactly what I expected it to be.
    Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
    Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    dead man walking (burtmichael) I missed this one back when it came out but am glad I am able to watch the three seasons available on HBO On Demand. I love Gabriel Byrne, and Diane Wiest was the best. Some reviewers did not care for Byrne's character, but I see Paul Weston as just another flawed human being like his patients which is realistic. I don't think you're supposed to like everything about him, especially since his patients' problems and tantrums bring out his worst parts. I think these negative reviewers must have some very unrealistic expectations of a therapist character.In response to those who take a dim view of psychotherapy (I do), the show does question throughout the efficacy of the "talking cure" through the prisms of Paul's perspective and the eyes of his patients. He even gets sued by Alex's father who believes Paul and his services are completely responsible for his son's death and lawyers up to prove his point and take his revenge. Paul himself seriously doubts whether he has really helped his patients and analyzes these feelings in his own therapy with Gina.Dianne Wiest is better in this series than she has ever been in her long acting career. She no longer portrays the winsome doormat that she has generally portrayed in past roles. I am glad this series gave her an opportunity to show what she's really capable of as an actress. In Treatment isn't everyone's cup of tea, I don't think. The intensity alone makes the series difficult to binge-watch in the traditional sense. I constantly have to take a break from these sessions and characters.. These characters are not people who are any more disturbed than any other "normal" people. I believe nearly everyone of us eventually comes to a point where his or her circumstances and the consequences of dysfunctional, immature behavior render us helpless and ineffective, forcing us to suffer through emotional crises and the need to mature and modify our game. Sometimes that requires the need to engage in therapy to at least weather the crises.Like therapy itself, I don't think this series is to be "enjoyed" like standard, mindless entertainment. The writing seems intended to provoke similar questions in the viewer about his own life and behavior. That's rarely an enjoyable experience. Perhaps the negative reviewers are reacting to their nest being disturbed by the troubling questions brought up by this series.
    jcjs333 As i grew older i'd think of my 'straight grandmother' and other folks who were 'stuck' on 'soap operas' and , basically , i am as stuck as they come with this show. I'm watching this with the same gusto as 'Justified' sometimes 5pm until midnight. I've read psychology all my life and have a brother and daughter who are clinical psychologists and i loved the show , 'Psychologist' , when young. The 'Psychologist' was more a 'group therapy' beefed up series but still good. This show is excellent. I suppose you're going to love it or just put it down but not in between. I love a show where i can be so excited with the least 'fluff'. If a show can hold me with just dialogue and acting like 'Juno' or 'Virginia Wolf' or 'Rachel's Wedding' i'm so grateful. And, a show that grabs me and doesn't let go and takes place in 1 ROOM then it's a show that gets my highest recommendation. And, this show does it. The camera work , the writing , the innuendo , the acting. Gabriel is perfect in his role, they all are. And, it's a perfect show for HBO and makers who want to make money and keep you watching. It serves me well and the people who want to make a buck on it. It's delightfully, completely addicting pulling and tugging like sugar and sex. Today, it hit me how much this series is like a 'book' in that i think about it between viewing looking forward to 'what happens next'. I think it comes darn close to the 'real deal also'. Gabriel has his little flaws like telling his therapist he said 'idiot' when he said 'pr--k'. And, telling his therapist Laura made him listen to graphic details when he made Laura tell him. And, i wonder 'does he know he's lying or does he not'?. The show makes you feel a 'fly' on the wall while, at the same time, getting you to empathize with each person. So, far i love the 'counter transference' deal they are bringing up because i have radical views about that. The show isn't afraid to address anything and , i think , does it splendidly. This is a show that 'ought not' be able to 'fly'. This show 'should' be failing'. I can't stand reality TV in any form and i don't like 'soap operas'. So, why the heck do i love this so much? Doesn't matter but i think it has something to do with director, writer, concept, pacing, multiple stories, accuracy and , absolutely great acting. With, even a little less adeptness at acting , this would fail big time. I think all components of this production are working almost flawlessly in order for this to work. I so love a show which can take place in 1 room and be as exciting to me as a humungus big money production. I'm glued to this and i wouldn't spend anytime on 'Independence Day' or some big production compared to this. Good show well done.
    rcs1319 I've always been engrossed by this show. When I got HBO to GO recently, I learned there was almost a whole season I hadn't seen - and I started watching episodes patient- by-patient instead of a week at a time. It was really an eye opener. The fine details of Gabriel Byrnes' superb acting popped right out of my iPad and into my mind. . Laura's alternating seduction, attraction, and need to hurt men hit very close to home. The dynamics of Jake and Amy and the ability of a vain and angry man to grow while his a "perfect" woman could not became palpably real. I even forgave Michelle Forbes' her irritating Kate when courtesy of IMDb I was reminded she had given life to the character Ro Laren of Star Trek TNG.I really encourage you to give your favorite patient a try like this. I think you will find it very rewarding.
    deboraey To the best of my knowledge i don't understand what people see in this 30 minutes of talking-and-talking-and-talking.A "shrink" (a very bad acting Gabriel Byrnes!) talking to some of his so-called "patients". Really nothing - not a thing! - happens but talking about people's everyday boring lives and their everyday problems and relations, and the therapist with the usual cliché answers. . . uninteresting, boring, slow, . . . .This is one of the worst things i ever saw on TV . . . and i cannot understand why the score on IMDb is that high. . . although this show is perfect to put you to sleep i may add!
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