Wolf Hall
Wolf Hall
| 21 January 2015 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
    Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
    Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
    Maksim Nikiforovski There are many shows and films about the Tudors. The dashing king Henry VIII, the mysteriously alluring Anne Boleyn, the Machiavellian Cromwell and the wise Thomas More. There are so many great characters from that era that one can choose any of them and tell a magnificent story. That was done in these books and it is done impeccably on the screen as well. This story focuses on Thomas Cromwell, who is portrayed as less Machiavellian and more sympathetic, but incredibly clever nonetheless. As far as history is concerned, and my knowledge thereof, I think this is the most faithful portrayal of the early Tudors period. This version surpasses the lackluster, soapy The Tudors series. One should keep in mind that although the story retells historical events, it is still a piece of art, and it based on two historical fiction books. As such there is always a point of view that the author/director takes, which is part of the artistic process. Having that in mind, certain inaccuracies can be seen in this adaptation, but they do not influence the viewing experience. Actually, this is the most accurate portrayal of Anne Boleyn seen on screen so far. Although Natalie Dormer's portrayal is regarded as the best, this one is even better.Clever dialogues, intrigues, breath-taking scenery and amazing acting can all be found in this period piece. There is no warfare, nor any especially violent scenes in this adaptation, which opts for the internal struggles of the main characters, and the intrigues of the court. If you are looking to satisfy your Game of Thrones hunger, or a history lesson on the Tudors, then this adaptation will exceed your expectations.
    louisejuelc I really like the stories of Henry VIII - most of all because this is such an important piece of British history, so I watched this show with great expectations. But I think this show is way too slow and with sad violins playing all the time it gets boring. It is not all bad, though ... Damien Lewis is perfect as Henry VIII, and I feel he should have been cast as Henry in The Tudors as well :) Mark Rylance is great as sly Cromwell, but I don't like the portrayal of Anne Boleyn. Anne is a stupid bitch in this show, and it does not make sense, why King Henry (and all the other men) would be so enchanted by her.
    fiona_r_lamb Just finished this series shown on PBS TV; I've had it on my pvr for a while and procrastinated for a while before switching it on. I also could not bring myself to binge-watch it. Instead it has taken me weeks. I struggled to get through it but I forced myself. It got better but there were times I fast-forwarded through bits, which is never a good sign. I did not find it that dark (lighting), as others have reported. But the pace felt glacial and I just didn't really believe/get behind any of the characters.This series was too dull/slow and "The Tudors" was the other extreme, too crazy, and both were unbelievable to me.However, I did cry during Anne Boleyn's last scene, realizing just how awful the King was. Cromwell being embraced by Henry just made me want to throw up.So, I'm glad I made myself watch until the bitter end but equally glad I'm done.
    Douglas This show has been very monotonous. None of the characters show any emotions other than boredom and depression. The occasional outburst of anger from the king are horribly overacted. There is nothing that makes you want to care about any of the characters. There is no character development and some characters come and go without any clear idea of who they are.I'm also disappointed that most of the 9 or 10 star user reviews that I've read seem like they've been written by the producers of the show. They appear to be more promos of the show than actual reviews. Based on the time stamps, many look like they were written after the first episode, well before anyone would have a real sense of whether the series is actually any good.