Death Valley
Death Valley
TV-14 | 29 August 2011 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
    Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
    Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
    Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
    Mattia Ristholm Sometimes it is hard to understand how Hollywood works. The super dreary Zombie Nation goes on for years while this spot on zombie comedy gets cancelled after one season. It's been six years and everyones in awhile I catch myself really missing this show. Loved the humor and the gore. Thought the casting was great and the characters really likable. Bring it back please!
    Pulkit G Zombies, Werewolves, Vampires, cops, Supernatural, comedy, thriller, suspense, romance, action, superb punch lines, blood, gore... what else can you ask for...I stumbled upon this title accidentally and god am i glad i did.. its one of the best overall series i have ever ever ever scene... i mean who could have thought to give a comic angle on zombies, werewolves and vampires... but someone just did...the acting is good, the chemistry amazing, dialogues superb...i really don't wanna give a lot about the plot.. but all i did like to say is that its a buddy cop movie where they don't chase / catch / kill normal criminals but the new "criminals" - vampires, werewolves and zombies....its just WOW.. if you love comedy and zombies, werewolves and vampires....I am actually super duper surprised, shocked and sad that this was not followed by a second season.. which it deserved a lot...
    moviemonkey81 I feel like this show should be good. It has everything in place to be an interesting take on both horror and comedy genres. However, I think the writing is where it all falls apart. The actors aren't bad, completely unbelievable at times though. All the characters are extremely flawed, so to imagine them lasting on any kind of police force is pretty far fetched. I know, ironic considering the subject of the show, but still. An example would be the captain, who is so far over the top ridiculous. He's like Michael Scott from the Office, but even less believable, and he most likely ruins the show for me more than anything else.The show itself, the major flaw is the fake story lines. Most segments do a good job of reminding the viewer they are watching a documentary. Other scenes, like the high school party from episode three, should not have been "viewed" as there was no film crew there to capture it. There were a few scenes from episode two that felt like filler. The captain and the rookie trying to kill a rat at someone's house? That went on for far too long and was not even close to being funny.I would love to say this show was great, as I like mockumentaries and (some) horror films. If the show was simply just COPS with vampires, werewolves, and zombies, I would totally watch it. The writers and producers need to just watch COPS, and then insert their characters into the same situation. The end of episode one used that idea, and it was pretty funny. The cops pulled over a guy in the middle of turning into a werewolf, who was interchangeable with a typical drunk driver. Funny stuff. Too bad the rest of the show isn't like that.On a side note, I'm really surprised this show is on Mtv and pretty graphic. The blood and gore are intense, on par with your standard horror flick. And when did Mtv stop showing music videos?
    Jesse Pye Where the hell did this come from? I'm guessing the surprise mainstream success of The Walking Dead has opened the door for a whole new genre of horror/gore based TV series, and this one actually manages to have fun with it!The humour is low brow with an endless stream of one liners but I'm a sucker for that when it's done well, and when you throw Vampires, Zombies and Werewolves into the mix you can't go wrong (as long as the effects budget is there that is.)I've only seen one episode so far but I hope this takes off and doesn't get cut-off mid season like some other gems that have come out recently (Walking Dead, V, etc)