TV-MA | 06 December 2017 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Micitype Pretty Good
    Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
    Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
    Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
    man_with_a_van + quite gory good main actor good supporting villains (Smoothie, the santa clause guy) the cgi unicorn is really cute some funny moments- bad main villains (Blue is a bad Walter White copy and the Bug is just rediculous) sometimes the story is a bit over the top wants to be a x-mas show. why? the main character is a heavy using, stinking bum with heart issues but kills tons of young trained hitmen sometimes to sentimental
    sebastianpotts Best show i've seen in a long time. incredible acting, the camera work is amazing, just watch it.
    Luke Ditchfield Wow. I haven't seen a lot of Christopher Meloni outside of Law and Order or Wet Hot American Summer, so I didn't expect anything in particular out of him in this performance. I should have held my expectations higher. What a phenomenal performance, start to finish. The writing is incredible and fantastically delivered by Meloni and co. Particularly impressive was the attention paid to the villains of the series, who kept me confused, intrigued and at times sympathetic to the cause. Far more nuanced than many of the shows out there today.While the tropes may become almost predictable at times, with a constant switch between 'whatever can go wrong, will go wrong' and major occurrences of deus ex machina, there never comes a point where this isn't fun. And realistically, the point of it is to be fun. It is incredibly edgy, graphic and aggressive and runs at a crazy fast pace, but the audience never feels left behind. I absolutely can't wait to see more! Also, I feel like being animated means that Patton Oswalt doesn't get a lot of attention, but the team behind the animation, writing and delivery of that crazy unicorns lines deserve a huge amount of praise too. I highly, highly recommend you take the time to watch this dark, action-packed comedy extravaganza.
    jpgorham "You ever seen Sin City?" - Alan (The Hangover)I have and I've gotta say If Dorothy's farm house got blown away in the dark and dreary Sin City. She would awake in the Ultra violent, colourful and crazy that is Happy!Happy Being the Imaginary friend of a young, gentile and innocent young girl (Hayley). Must now do his best to win over and befriend a sceptical, ruthless, washed-up, borderline psychotic ex detective with the hope he can pull himself together and overcome his own demonds Long enough to save the day.