Chef's Table
Chef's Table
TV-MA | 26 April 2015 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
    Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
    Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
    Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
    rivermerchant I normally watch comedy on Netflix but I decided to give this show a try and I fell in love with the stories of these incredibly passionate chefs. The cinematography is breath taking. I feel like I'm watching a nature documentary. The food is beautiful and if it weren't for this show I would never see it because these restaurants are waaaaay outside my price range.
    wendi-spraker I am almost finished watching the first season and I am feeling a little panicked that it will be over soon. I never watch TV because I am simply too busy. That said, I am a food enthusiast (food blogger, home cook, food photographer) and I simply can not resist a well done food show. That said, we booted the cable and I was worried about losing my beloved food TV shows via that network. Chef's Table is far and away superior to any other food related show I have ever seen - including full length movies. I LOVED the photography, the music, the way the stories are told and the voice given to the chefs. I was hoping to discover if another season would be forthcoming by logging on here. Please tell me that it is, because this show is Simply the best. Thank you, Wendi
    Paul Creeden I liked the format and production values of this Netflix series. Each episode is like getting to know a new friend, who happens to be a culinary genius. The span across the planet is a good idea. It keeps it from feeling too formulaic. The cinematography is excellent and adds a travelogue quality. And, I even liked most of the subjects.Like the overpriced eating experiences in these restaurants, the series felt like a guilty pleasure. As long as I focused on the artistic aspect of the episodes, I could forget about the insanity of gourmet meals on an ecologically challenged and overpopulated planet where only 10% of the population can afford to eat like this. Niki Nakayama is my favorite chef of the bunch. Ben Shewry's restaurant was my favorite setting. Magnus Nilsson gets my award for the most personable chef.I hope Netflix has the wisdom to continue this series. Moving away from Michelin and more toward sustainable food genius would be a plus in my book.
    linkogecko "Chef's Table", created by David Gelb (of "Jiro Dreams of Sushi" fame) might at first glance seem to be yet another show celebrating food but in retrospect its title makes it clear that its main theme is the chefs themselves. It certainly celebrates food in the way that no movie or show about an artist can't help but to celebrate their work (and does so magnificently with some of the sexiest "food porn" ever shot) but "Chef's Table" is almost entirely about the creators. What makes their creativity tick? Where do they come from? How does their personal past and present influence their work? How do they live? What does their artistic "voice" say about what food could and SHOULD be?From an attempt to challenge the ultra-traditional notions of cooking in Italy to trying to find an identity for a still-being-defined Australian cuisine. From the oddly modern and crucial-for-the-future appreciation of the old ways of farming and foraging (which still can't help but be influenced by current advances in technology) to the almost unavoidable requirement of having at least some traditional studies in France or under French chefs (like at least half of the 6 chefs featured so far in this series have). From the importance of rigor and effort to achieve perfection to the importance of experimentation and relaxation to achieve, well... perfection; "Chef's Table" shows us the many challenges, contradictions and impulses that these chefs have had to face in order to be recognized amongst the best in the world, but most importantly, to have a voice of their own.While shows like Anthony Bourdain's tell us the wonders of food by means of traveling externally and seeing the infinite possibilities found around the world, "Chef's Table" shows us the wonders of traveling inwards, of finding infinite possibilities in one's own memories, origins and desires. The defining elements that tie all of these chefs together is that they all needed cuisine as a way to express themselves and that they've had to carve niches of their own to be able to feel comfortable and satisfied in being themselves, in saying what they WANT to say. Much like when one first knows of the existence of "film language" and in doing so begins understanding and appreciating the art form far more than before, "Chef's Table" is a series that makes one understand "food language" in the best way possible: directly from 6 of its most honestly individual voices, from 6 of its own "auteurs".