TV-MA | 29 January 2014 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
    ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
    Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
    Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
    Bill Denert I subscribe to Acorn TV and saw that this program was featured. "Why not watch it?", I said to myself. So I watched the first season and was initially enraptured with the characters and the demons that they struggled with as they did their daily work as cops.There is absolutely no way a bunch of people that have these problems can function adequately as a police force. We have a wife beater (JM), an alcoholic (Tyler), a lesbian (Beatrice or "Bear"), a totally incorruptible cop (Ben), a sleaze bag commander (Gendron) and a loose cannon (Nick) who is probably the worst of the bunch not only because he gets himself involved with so many undesirables, but manages to screw a bunch of women in the process (I counted six sexual encounters with this character who screwed a fellow cop - Audrey-, his ex-wife - Isabelle- his son's girlfriend's mother(!), a visiting police detective - Elise, and a couple of other women).This guy alone made my head spin and the story unraveled just because this kind of stuff never happens in real life. Not only is Nick sexually charged (according to what TV wants you to believe), but he also has bouts of aggression and depression which almost drives him to suicide in one episode. Totally unrealistic and most improbable in ordinary, mundane life.Then there's the political side of the show which is more realistic and believable when it comes to corruption. Commander Gendron is a sleaze bag, a back stabber, a snitch. He's the kind of guy who, as a kid, was probably beaten up a lot of times because he was a tattle tale and goody two shoes in grammar school.This guy is so sleazy and untrustworthy, that his own daughter (a heroin addict) hates his guts and even said "I could never trust you." Nice family relationship! Acorn has all four seasons and I managed to wade through the first two and a half. In all honesty, I like the show, but the characters and their antics just aren't realistic in real life.I visited Montreal a couple of times in my lifetime and from what I saw in this program isn't what Montreal is about. 19-2 makes Montreal a bad place to live in, like one of our cities stateside. Nothing could be further from the truth. And also, the antics that go on in this precinct are, in a word, exaggerated.
    Meme Having watched the brilliant series Southland, I really wanted to give this a go, the first two seasons were well done, we got a good insight into the characters who they were, their personal demons and relationships, it was sublime and written nicely. The third season felt like it had plot twists here and there, and there was a focus on the plot and a few character arcs in between, the middle half of the third season didn't feel as good as the previous seasons and the first few episodes of season 4 have not been as good as this show once was, riddled with clichés, ***spoiler*** for once I would like to see a show where the female character going through personal demons doesn't end up with the male front runner ,after a few drinks, also going through a deep personal tragedy and then the usual banter of a few mistakes were made follows. I don't like it and I don't get it can writers not do more than this, how about showing two people form a deep friendship and a bond based on their loss,I mean it feels like putting the two characters going through hardship in their life together was the simplest way the writers went.I hope season 4 gives a good character arc to Jean-Marc Brouillard by developing his arc fully, and not chalking it down to a stereotype. Hoping this show ends well and meshes the characters out well because the actors are good I feel the writers need to give them well written characters.
    BabsbytheBeach It took me a few episodes to warm up to 19-2, but once I did, I was hooked. All of the rave reviews from the NYT and Wall Street Journal are spot on: this cop show is exactly what cop shows needed. I love the fact that the cops are not perfect, they suffer from PTSD, they make mistakes, they don't get along, and they sometimes have each others' backs. The viewer sometimes does not know who the heroes or villains are, because sometimes life just works that way. Adrian Holms and Jared Keeso are great as the central team you follow, and the supporting cast hold their own with equal skill. From exceptional scripts to fantastic casting, this gritty crime drama kept me bingeing until my eyes were seeing double. Acron.TV you need to upload the 2017 season, I'm suffering from withdrawal symptoms!
    qui_j Watched this on Acorn and had high hopes for it. Unfortunately, it just has too many negative points to it. I would love to be able to access the French version as I understand it's much better, and more authentic. The English version really asks viewers to really stretch their imagination. The show is shot in Montreal but no one in the city seems to speak French. French signs abound but everyone speaks English with no trace of an accent. Wouldn't it have been better to do a complete revamp and set it in one of the English speaking Canadian cities? The acting is amateurish, and the editing really atrocious, using flashbacks at the most inappropriate times. That only confuses the viewer more, and really is not a very clever way to tell a story.The scenes end and start abruptly which underscores the amateurish editing. Will try to see where the French version can be viewed as this version really does not live up to the hype at all!
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