House of Saddam
House of Saddam
TV-MA | 30 July 2008 (USA)

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    ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
    PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
    KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
    Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
    American_Delight "House of Saddam" covers a quarter century of the Iraqi dictator's ruthless rule over his people. The filmmakers play it straight: they depict the political and historical developments the way Saddam was believed to have viewed them--that Kuwait was unfair and foolish to have increased oil production in the late 1980s/early 1990s, that the Iraqi government believed it had received private assurances from the U.S. ambassador to Iraq that Americans would not interfere with an Iraqi-Kuwaiti conflict, and that Iraq was a world hero standing alone athwart the frightening menace of post-revolutionary Iran.Although the film lets Saddam Hussein speak for himself without interjecting serious voices of political opposition, the mini-series does not excuse or minimize Saddam's villainy or extreme paranoia. Saddam murders his enemies, and at times renders even shabbier treatment to those closest to him. Saddam kills his best friend to demonstrate his ability to be tough. Saddam cashiers his own half brother, head of his personal security, in favor of an ambitious ruffian from Saddam's father's family. He arranged the murder of his wife's brother and his daughters' husbands.What gives "House of Saddam" panache is the luxurious production values, the soapy melodrama of the family (Uday's serial addictions, Saddam's love affair with his future second wife, the plucky austerity of Saddam's mother), and casting actors who are sexier and more stylish than the real people they played. This is how history should be told—with personality and flare.
    BirdmanT7 This is a well made, well acted superb production as a series, but it really fails to tell the truth about Saddam's connection with the United States. Once again we have Hollywood deciding what stays in and what stays out and this series makes Saddam to be a something from Shakespeare's "King Lear" and it is utter non-sense. I was surprised and very disappointed since this was made by the BBC and they usually get things right?. I guess when HBO joined in things got changed?. This series never delved into the US role in backing Saddam's regime early, and later backing him to fight Iran by supplying him with Bombs to Bomb Iran for almost 8 years. Killing all the women and children with Chemicals that came from US. This is well known documented FACT and part of the US history but I guess it is easier to make someone else to be the Monster like Saddam.They didn't show one scene with Tariq Aziz in the White House with Bush senior and Regan when they were making all the arm deal to Bomb Iran and later the same US Govt made Saddam to be the monster. This was covered by the PBS on Frontline: was real footage showing Tariq Aziz in the White house and meeting with Regan and Bush all smiles when they were shipping arms to Iraq to bomb Iran and that part of history is somehow OK by HBO and BBC to decided what part of History is made into this fabricated fantasy of Saddam? Hollywood makes it's own history of Saddam and the sad part is for the most part the general public, and mostly Americans whom can not name their own presidents or have very little knowledge of their own history and yet sit back and watch this crap and then write reviews on this site as it to be some amazing series to depict someone like Saddam?.I encourage you people to log into sites watch the truth about your own history about Iraq and Saddam and US.
    Thomas In my view, this miniseries is an excellent portrayal of Saddam Hussein's reign of terror. The actors' performances were excellent.However, in my view, the full extent of Uday's ruthlessness was not completely explored and portrayed in this miniseries. For example, Uday was known to rape brides on their wedding day (one groom then shot himself that very day).Also, Uday was known to rape girls as young as 12 years of age. If their fathers protested, Uday threatened their very lives. In addition, Uday was known to prowl Iraqi streets in search of women. When he saw a woman he liked, he would shoot her male companion, and then kidnap the female.Furthermore, Uday was notorious for torturing Iraqi soccer players who lost games and anyone who he considered a foe. When he was a teen, Uday killed a teacher who had the audacity to reprimand the rambunctious firstborn son of the Iraqi dictator. Such atrocities should have been included in the miniseries.After viewing this miniseries, it certainly puts things in proper perspective. The liberal media and "Bush haters" like to forget the mass graves and the countless innocents who were brutally raped and murdered by Hussein and his supporters. Judging by media outlets such as NBC and the New York Times, once would think a peaceful, contributing member of the world community was suddenly overthrown by a rogue nation. I choose NOT to forget the unfortunate souls who were brutalized under Hussein.History will smile on President Bush's decision to liberate the Iraqi people from this ruthless murderer. This miniseries clearly demonstrates this assertion.Nevertheless, HBO's "House of Saddam" was done quite well, and I enjoyed it very much.
    super_kevin_k I am a huge fan of this show! its a really great Drama. I only wish there were more episodes in it-it was really captivating!the acting is genius,especially the actress Amber Rose Revah. she is amazing!! SHE ROCKS!!and shes cute =)i am mates with her and she hangs round mine a lot but i am not biased!!if you get a chance to watch this-keep an eye on her.she plays Hala Hussein; the youngest daughter of Saddam.You also have a really fantastic lead performance from Yigal Naor.the series is all about Saddams reign, his friends and family and is really eye shows the world the true face of the evil tyrant that was Saddam can catch it on BBC HBO-i really recommend it,though it is quite gory at times.deserves no less than 10/10