The Long Road Home
The Long Road Home
TV-MA | 07 November 2017 (USA)

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    Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
    Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
    Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
    Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
    pvinnitsky Several things just make no sense:1. US Army basically looks dumb and incompetent in this movie2. They attempt rescue at night but nobody is using night vision and there is no air support.3. They can't figure out where the 1st squad is located? really? with interpreter and another guy who speaks Arabic they can't ask or figure out their exact address/location? that is dumb.4. They wave their arms like idiots while rescue drives by instead of shooting enemy who can clearly be seen?5. Where are all the female soldiers?6. Why did they need an an unarmored truck with infantry, they were a liability not an asset not once but twice.7. why so much melodrama? Why focus on backstory of only some random soldiers, why not just do every single one?
    Ahmad Chohan This is total one sided US GOOD GUYS crap all over again. There is no greater moral Compass than you guys. Maybe some reality in this show would've a better cover on the lies that've been told in this series. Wars are ugly but painting it like One side is just crazy animals and other is the Flock of Angles is total idiotic thing to do and leads to Years of more war.
    grantss April 2004. The US 1st Cavalry Division has recently relieved the 1st Armored Division in its occupation of Sadr City, Baghdad. Everything seems peaceful until one day a platoon is ambushed in the city while on patrol. The platoon holes up in a house and reinforcements are sent to extract them. However, the relief column is itself ambushed, the main aim of the initial ambush. What follows is a life-and-death struggle against overwhelming odds. Based on actual events.Pretty good, but requires some patience to get there. I was initially expecting a Generation Kill-like series, i.e. based on a true military story, follow a unit and are engaged by the camaraderie, gritty action scenes. However, the series immediately failed on the engagement front. Scenes showing soldiers with their family seemed token, padded and superficially sentimental. The unit brotherhood also seemed quite artificial, with forced, unnatural-feeling dialogue and interactions.The first 2-3 episodes were all like this, to the point where I was thinking of giving up on the series. Comparing it with Generation Kill is obviously a very high standard to emulate, as Generation Kill is one of the best military mini-series of all time (only Band of Brothers is better), so maybe disappointment was inevitable. However, from a point, the series clicked into gear. The soldiers' backstories went from mundane meet-the-family stuff to interesting series of events, linking in with their current situation and revealing their characters. The dialogue and interactions became more plausible. These all lifted the engagement level significantly. In addition. the action got grittier, more intense and more compelling.The final episode is very poignant, with a great emotionally-manipulative twist. Makes the effects of war very realistic and stark.Overall, a good series, just don't give up in the first few episodes - it gets a whole lot better.
    amanda I can not believe these long winded full on negative reviews. What not enough pazazz for you??So full of it behind their computer screensWhat would get to me is the waiting...The wives at home needing to fill the hours to distract themselves from worrying & waiting. Stuck unable to go forward or plan ahead. The soldiers yanked along from training to suddenly they're there in the truck, waiting to leave on their first mission,... Many a war in recent modern history i have not believed was justified, but there is no doubting the valour, bravery & selflessness of each & every soldier, engaged in conflict.
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