| 24 September 1991 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
    TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
    Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
    Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
    izu lu I remember watching this show for the first time, not really interested in the program (not a wartime/retro buff), but nothing better was on. After watching the episode though, I remember thinking "Wow, that was REALLY GOOD." Never before, nor since then, have I felt that way about any television program. I was hooked on the show, but if I recall correctly, some of the story lines towards the end of the series started becoming too outlandish for my taste. Still, the show had great potential, and was cut off much too soon.It's been too many years since the show was on, but I still remember bits and pieces. Kyle Chandler as "Jeff" and Tammy Lauren as "Ginger" were the most memorable characters for me. I'll have to watch this show again to see if it is still as good as I remember.
    ekimap This is a show that has stuck with me for years. I still miss it. And I totally agree with other comments, the network KILLED it. I loved it, I wanted to watch it, but for the life of me, I could never figure out just when or where to watch it. Even the fans couldn't find it how could it find new viewers? It seems to be a trend in the networks, killing off the good ones because it doesn't meet their demographic, or they monkeyed with the time slot till it died. Especially this year with the writer's strike, so many shows got cancelled, not because they weren't good, but because of mismanagement. I would buy Homefront on DVD if I could find it. Anyone out there have it on tape and willing to share?
    STEPHNJEFF "Homefront" was the BEST show EVER on TV!!!! It had humor and drama and such a good story and the cast was outstanding (especially Kyle Chandler, who will always be Jeff Metcalf to me). I followed every one of them and knew all their names years after the show ended. I love them all...they did such an excellent job. I can't say enough about Homefront and I actually mourned its ending. We did tape one of the marathons. I will always remember this show and there will never be another one like it. Shame on ABC for moving it around so much. I tried to tell people to watch it, but no one could keep up with the time slots. BIG mistake. But, we must accentuate the positive. Homefront should be a role model for the industry!!!!!
    cteljr I taught American history when this show was first aired. I used the overall story-line as background material in class. My 13&14 year old boys had much more understanding for the plight of single mothers &minorities from watching this quality drama. In this era when people of religious beliefs are more separate than 40 years ago a program that celebrated the religious diversity in a manner unheard before or since is greatly appreciated. Truly,this program embodied the spirit of freedom of worship. It sadly is missing from today's entertainment. Either it ridicules more conservative beliefs under the misguided idea that all organized religion is intolerant of gay rights, or it believes that the only way to be a Christian is to be a Consertive. This program preached tolerance of religious worship. Gina Sloane was Jewish, The Metcalfs were Catholic , The Davis's daughter was White possibly Catholic while they were Black Baptists. Anne Metcalf married Al Kahn, a Jewish union organizer.The Sloanes,Episcopalian owners of the Steelmill,were not cardboard characters. I became ill during the run of the series. Much of Anne Kahn's struggle mirrored my own struggle to walk and take care of my family. I will definitely buy this series if it ever comes out on DVD. I wish that the actors and actresses had been given the opportunity to do at least another year before it was canceled. ABC are you listening?