Our Girl
Our Girl
TV-14 | 21 September 2014 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
    Lawbolisted Powerful
    Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
    Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
    colintoye If you watch coronation street, emmerdale and eastenders, then this should be about your level. Useless actors playing unrealistic characters acting out unbelievable plots. This epitomises the BBC these days. God knows what kind of people are running the BBC, but I have an idea.
    ikanboy It starts off in a dysfunctional cockney family in London, where our heroine is busy living La Vida Loca. Once she sobers up she decides to join the Army as a medic and despite showing little or no aptitude she ends up in Afghanistan with Ramsay Bolton (kinder of John?) and proceeds to dis him in favor of much more handsome Captain Charles. A mouthy cockney she seems never to shut up and saves her most strident comments while on maneuvers, and her "romance is in the air" comments while in a fire fight. Oblivious to local customs she stirs up a Taliban hornet's nest and spends the last 2 episodes apologizing. But no fear her Captain has a beautiful manse in Bath and that's where our story part 1 ends.
    Davey-G Series 1, Very well produced, and acted. Somewhat realistic scripting, and more than just a gung-ho action series.Series 2 and 3, Michelle Keegan for too wooden, and far too many cleches. Undoes the good work of series 1
    peteingram As my title says, I very much enjoyed the first two seasons. With season 3, the acting is just as good and the sets are great too. However the plot or story line is just rubbish. Some of the dialogues are simply banal. It is a shame because the concept is unique. I probably shall not watch the rest of this season.