Good Girls Revolt
Good Girls Revolt
TV-MA | 04 November 2015 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
    Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
    Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
    Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
    Charles Herold (cherold) Good Girls Revolt is something I should like. The idea of watching women in a sexist environment realize they can fight back is intriguing, and I think that period in American history was pretty interesting.And yet, I was never drawn in. The only thing I really liked in the pilot was Nora Ephron as the lone feminist, but she is a minor character in the series.Mainly, I just found the series slow moving. These women are coming to their realizations very slowly. In a 2-hour movie you could focus entirely on women slowly becoming empowered, but that concept by itself isn't enough to fill out a series. I wish the series had taken more of an interest in the news stories being covered, which are treated as background noise. Just because you're making a series about feminism doesn't mean that has to be the show's single thread.Also, it's weird that the women keep describing Eleanor Holmes Norton as intimidating or scary. The real Norton quite possibly was, but the fictional version seems smart but not scary. Are these women just afraid of black people? Are they so timorous that even a mildly liberated woman scares them? Or does the mildness that pervades this series simply prevent it from creating a really intense character? I don't know, but it bugs me.Anyway, I watched four or five episodes and then gave up.
    heiska Beautifully drawn and especially evolving characters, authentic atmosphere, a strong story line in addition to smaller everyday stories - all this is "Good Girls Revolt". We learn more and more about the people and the time at the end of the 60s and early 70s. The characters clearly show the development. All the actors are outstanding - I could not find a weak cast.Even though the main plot is women's revolution in the direction of equality (especially in the New York editorial staff of the magazine "News of the Week"), one can, fortunately, discover much more. It is about many questions that still move us today, such as: interest in political and social developments and problems, importance of the news, work or home as fulfillment, work ethos, solidarity or even sexual liberation. All this is shown by different characters - "Good Girls Revolt" does not offer black-and-white and is not a series exclusively for women! The exciting thing about it is that we can always compare our present society image with the presented one, find differences, but also similarities.The comparison to the series "Mad Men", which I also loved, lies close to the comparable time, but is nevertheless distant: The atmospherics, the inner conflict, sadness, despair and helplessness of the Don Draper stood in the foreground, was rather fascinating timeless, less explanatory and concrete in time. "Good Girls Revolt", on the other hand, distinguishes different, tangible, ground-level people, whose motivations, developments and actions are clearly more comprehensible, and works out the time reference vividly. I would have liked a few stronger and clearly drawn male figures, they remain somewhat pale in comparison to the women. But they, too, can not be typed as women's adversaries, and they are more likely to be seen in the sense of equality as thoughtless (interesting: the most impressed in the old roles is a woman, the publisher!). That Amazon Studios would not want to continue the series (it was read) is incredibly unfortunate and unintelligible!
    Festis My wife and I watched the whole show in 3 evenings. Each episode was better than the next. Great acting, great music, great characters, great story line. In the vain of Mad Men but with twenty somethings in 1969. The show felt like a natural extension of Mad Men and would be a natural progression into the topics of the 1970's. We were loving each of the three main characters and Could not wait until season two...but Amazon cancelled it after two months??? I was only aware of the show after a friend mentioned how good it was. I had not seen a single ad for it anywhere ( unlike Goliath which had ads everywhere). I mean how could this be a failure after two months of being out and no promotion? Stunned and turned off by this decision.
    joerichards This is one of the best series I have ever seen. The stories it covers, the dominant of which being that of feminism, are as important today as the time of the story itself. The casting and performances are fantastic. It's perfectly executed and just a beauty to watch.The lead female roles offer a range of characters which allow for some beautiful performances. It is also refreshing to see the balance of male and female partial nudity, rather than nudity being on the part of the female only.The irony of an all-male board within a media company canceling a show about male dominance in the media industry. This is one of those shows whose importance should be all that we need to renew it.Well done to all those involved in the creation of this series, keep it up.
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