Evening Shade
Evening Shade
| 21 September 1990 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
    GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
    Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
    Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
    michael_murphy76 Amazon.com has announced that the first season of this wonderful TV show will be released on DVD on June 24. You can pre-order it at Amazon's website.It's funny that so many people have forgotten about this show, because it helped to revitalize Burt Reynolds' career in the early 90s. He won both an Emmy and a Golden Globe for his performance. And I honestly believe that Marilu Henner never looked better...in any role. The cast is terrific, maybe the best ever for an American sitcom. The writing is sublime. The only show that has such strong writing today is the Canadian sitcom "Corner Gas", which moves at a faster, more surreal clip than "Evening Shade".They just don't make them like this anymore.
    sdo56 This show was so well done. It was a wonderful time watching the cast perform on each show. I would like to ask if anyone knows if this show will be or has been put on DVD for the general public to purchase. The one episode that stands out in my mind is a two-part episode where Burt R., Charles D. and Michael J. lose their clothes and the fun that entails. I just happened to tape both parts of this episode. I have played them for my 6 year old daughter and my 11 year old son. They actually sit there and LOVE them. They have asked to see this over and over again. Oh why didn't I record all of them? The acting and humor are first class. It was a visual humor. Even the music adds to the whole package of the show. The setting really makes you want to be there with them. An Evening Shade Reunion would be a big hit if it was advertised with clips from original shows. If they really pushed, it might work. If it worked, then maybe we would see reruns on the tube. Come on, put it on DVD!! Let's get this show on disk.
    david-1301 I admired many of Burt Reynolds performances... he never seemed to take himself seriously but would take on any kind of role. Comedy to drama, to action and playing a lovable character to a despicable jerk. That is acting. He has done well at that and has the box office and numerous awards to back it up, but when he surrounded himself with a bunch of close friends who also happened to be first rate actors... the magic of Evening Shade happened. Well scripted first rate story lines all fluidly performed by this stellar cast. I often surf the net looking for information on a DVD box set release. Shows of much less stature, and certainly much less quality are already out so I keep on hoping to spend some more quality TV viewing evenings... in the town of Evening Shade!
    eibon04 An underrated television program from the early years of the last decade which featured good stories, interesting subplots, and brilliant mixture of comedy and drama. Was Burt Reynolds's last time that he gave a good and consistent performance as an actor. Evening Shade(1990) is definitely better than any of the shows on NBC today which passes for quality television. Also contributing to the good acting was Charles Durning and Ossie Davis. One of my favorite shows from that time period that derserved to stay on air longer.
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