Frozen Planet
Frozen Planet
TV-PG | 26 October 2011 (USA)

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    TinsHeadline Touches You
    GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
    CommentsXp Best movie ever!
    KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
    benmarcheski-751-250272 I was fortunate enough to get the opportunity to work on the promotional campaign as an editor at Discovery Channel in 2011-2012, and is still one of my favorite projects to date. The only challenge I faced was trying to choose which visuals to use in the 60/30 second commercials, because they were all breath taking. From start to finish, the production value, imagery and breathtaking landscapes are captured with perfection in this documentary series. I thoroughly enjoyed watching this series when I had to (work), and then watched it again when I wanted to (at home)! Over all, well done!
    balram-yadav This is a wonderful documentary covering the Arctic and Antarctica sections of our planet. You see these two regions through 4 seasons, through the eyes of it's inhabitants (mammals, birds, fish and humans). It captures the beauty, harsh weather and life in all of its glory and challenges. We get to see a thorough glimpse in life of all key animals. The 4 season covers, love, birth, growth, survival, death. We also get to see the life of human beings who live around Arctic circle. It is a tough and simple life. The show is very informative and very entertaining. Highly recommended. If you love nature or want to know more about this planet, check this out. I am now sifting through IMDb to find more such shows.
    rjscragg Definitely one of the best documentaries ever. The awesome video combined with superb audio effects make for an engaging viewing experience.The series is airing in Canada/U.S. right now with Alec Baldwin as narrator. I think this is the first time airing on the Discovery Channel. Fortunately I have the original BBC version with David Attenborough doing the narration. I also prefer the "freeze frame" sequence structure in the BBC version which shows the "making of" clips at the end of each of the seasonal episodes.The only real complaint I have is that the polar bear footage does not have a predator/prey sequence. I assume they did not come across anything in their travels. The lack of a pred/prey polar bear clip is made up for in what I think is one of the best predator sequences ever filmed. The filming of the battle between the wolf and Bison is absolutely stunning, not to mention heart wrenching. Additionally, the way they get in position for the shot is crazy.My other favourite sequence is when the team filming the Adelie penguins gets trapped by the wind for 4 days. That would be pretty scary.All in all a great viewing experience.
    Mahesh Ramasubramanian I am a big fan of the BBC 'earth' series having religiously followed Planet Earth, Life, Human Planet and others. Frozen Planet was something I have been waiting for for a long time now. There are some sequences in the series Life which I found were lifted off from Planet Earth, and I half expected Frozen Planet to follow suit. None of that happened - and all the footage here is brand new. The camera work is top notch, and seeing the big beautiful ice world up close is unbelievable and mesmerizing. While in previous series, Mr. Attenborough never made an appearance as himself only always commenting from the sidelines, this time around he makes his presence felt - and that's a good thing too. The last few minutes showing the team's shoot with Orcas provides quite a pleasant surprise and would give any nature lover the goosebumps! I would highly recommend the first episode of Frozen Planet to everyone. If possible, watch it on Hi-Def with a good sound system. You will be blown away!